Page 49 of Doc
There was no way the traitor was one of my brothers, and I knew that everyone else felt the same way.
“What are we gonna do about Bronx?” TJ asked the question and followed it up by spitting a giant gob of blood and mucus onto the ground.
He wasn’t the only one who had escaped. Before jumping ship, the bastard had grabbed hold of one of his wounded brothers, put him on his bike, and taken off with him. That in itself was unusual, because Bronx didn’t give a fuck about anyone but himself.
“He can’t have gone far with the wounded fuck he had clinging to his back.”
I agreed with Oz.
Trip’s VP, Murphy, stepped forward. “He knows what’s good for him, he’ll run back to New Mexico with his fucking tail tucked between his legs. The boys he came with are vulture bait right now.”
Murphy and his brother, Bigfoot, stood together like twin volcanos getting ready to erupt. They’d taken a beating, too, but the sight of their bloody and busted knuckles told me that whoever had been at the other end of the fight hadn’t fared much better.
“These the only brothers he had with him?”
Fuck, I hoped so. We’d originally thought there’d only been three of them, but had later found out five more had arrived and hadn’t been wearing their colors. The plan today had been to take them all out. We’d taken six out, which left Bronx and the one brother he’d escaped with.
“Far as we know. Unless we got bad intel,” Demon responded. For once, our president was wearing a black patch over his eye.
“So what’s the next step, Prez?” one of Trip’s brothers asked.
Trip exchanged a look with Demon and LD before expelling a loud breath. “Don’t like that Bronx is still alive, but it’s not going to interfere with us going to New Mexico. They brought this war to us by coming here, killing our brothers, and stealing a shitload of guns and ammo. Some of those guns were slated for a shipment going down south and I want them back.”
“Something else to think about—” I said, gaining everyone’s attention, “do we know for certain they didn’t kidnap any of the working girls down on the strip?”
“Fuck,” BF muttered. “This shit just keeps getting better and better.”
I shrugged. “I doubt they just came here to rob your gun store.” I directed my comment at Trip.
“Shit. Doc has a point. There are fucking gun shops all over the country.” LD wiped his bloody knife off on a grassy patch at his feet and then holstered it. “Where else can you go to steal working girls right off the street and have it go completely unnoticed?”
“Especially with the numbers that work the strip,” Bull pointed out.
“Jesus Christ,” someone mumbled.
“I think robbing your store was payback for the visit Cole and the others paid them.”
“We’d already figured that one out, dipshit,” Frenchie responded to Loco, which in turn got him the finger.
After a few minutes of contemplation, Trip demanded everyone’s attention. “Okay, listen up.”
Demon crossed his arms and took the stance of a soldier. I wondered how he felt about letting another club president take over. But then, this was Trip’s deal, and we were only the backup.
“Let the vultures take care of the bodies.” He turned his attention to Murphy. “Make sure we have all their cuts and ID’s. Then call for someone to pick up the bikes. BF, take a couple of the boys and scout around for Bronx. I want that fucking bastard.”
“A couple of my brothers will go too.” Demon motioned at Frenchie and Loco.
“Let’s regroup tomorrow at my clubhouse,” Trip went on to say as he headed for his bike.
“I’ll have a couple of my brothers check around the strip to see if any of the girls have come up missing in the last few days.” LD’s comment received a nod from Trip.
Fuck, if they had, then we had two big problems to solve—finding where they were being held, and finding Bronx. I heard low muttering and glanced over at Savage. He had his phone in his ear and his expression looked troubled, even slightly alarmed. What the fuck else could be going on? And then it hit me—Lulu must be in labor.
Savage confirmed it the second he ended the call. “Fuck! Lulu’s in labor!”
“Go!” Demon ordered in a hard voice. “We’ll head there once we clean up.”
“Harlow is at the hospital with her, Brother,” he added for my benefit as he walked off.