Page 53 of Doc
“That would have been awful,” I’d joked.
We had both released a husky laugh.
Someone had come flying out the back door then, and I’d pushed at my skirt to make sure that everything was covered up. I needn’t have worried though—it was dark, and the only thing that I could see was the strike of a match as someone lit a cigarette.
“Come on, babe, I’ll walk you to my room.”
He’d taken my hand and I’d let him pull me along, and just as he had the night before and the night before that he’d kissed me right outside the door and left me.
Thankfully, I was off work today, which is why I was still lazing around in bed. I was surprised that Liam hadn’t made an appearance yet, as he usually came to get me to join him for breakfast. Then I would leave for work, against his and everyone else’s wishes. For the first time ever, I’d had to face Demon’s wrath as he’d explained club policy on lockdown, but I’d stood my ground and explained my policy on not abandoning my patients. I didn’t have someone to take my place at the drop of a hat.
He’d given in grudgingly, and we’d reached a compromise. Kind of. Demon had informed Liam that I was his problem, and had then stormed out of the room, muttering something about stubborn women. So I hadn’t squawked when I’d found out that I would now have a prospect with me when I was on the road traveling between patients. Working at the clinic was forbidden though, as Liam explained that it would be too easy for someone to find me there.
I finally rolled into a sitting position and stretched before getting up. When I heard a knock at the door, I strolled over casually in a pair of Liam’s boxers and a Desert Rebels t-shirt. I wished that I’d asked who was on the other side of the door before opening it, because there was one of the club women standing on the other side. I was surprised to see that she was wearing clothes, because they usually didn’t, but then she would have to during the day while the families were around. In her hands was a tray with breakfast and coffee on it.
“Before Doc left this morning, he asked me to bring you breakfast.”
I didn’t like the self-satisfied look on her face, as if she knew something that I didn’t. Liam had told me that a group of them would be riding out early one morning, and this was apparently the morning, which explained why he hadn’t come to my room. He’d told me that they would be gone for a few days.
“I’m Peaches.” She moved past me without an invite and entered the room. She strolled straight to the dresser and set the tray down before pausing to look down at the bed. The smile that spread across her face suggested that she was recalling a good memory. “I’ve been in this bed.”
She and Liam had been together? Of course they had. Even though I’d always seen him with Mitzi, I had to assume that he’d been with the other women as well. Her smile cut like a knife, but I was determined that she wasn’t going to see how much her words had hurt me. “It’s comfortable, right?”
Surprise flickered briefly in her eyes before she quickly masked it. “I can’t remember. We didn’t do much sleeping.” When she walked back to me it was all I could do not to grab her by the hair and toss her out. “We still aren’t.”
I frowned. Was she implying that Liam was spending his nights with her? I knew better than to ask, but I asked anyway. What can I say? I was a glutton for punishment. And I had to know. “Still aren’t what?”
Her laughter was anything but humorous. “Sleeping, stupid. What do you think I’ve been talking about? Where do you think your man’s been the last few nights?”
“You’re lying.” I believed that with all my heart.
“Am I? Do you think Mitzi’s the only one he’s been fucking? These men never get enough, and they like their fucking.” She laughed again. “And speaking of Mitzi, she tell you who the father of her baby is?”
What?!I just barely managed to keep from giving my shocked reaction away. Mitzi was pregnant? Did Liam know? Was Peaches implying that he was the father? I suddenly felt sick as I assumed the worst.
Peaches, obviously satisfied that she’d done what she set out to do, turned and walked away. I stood there in shock for a moment, staring after her with tears building in my eyes. I didn’t want to believe that what she’d implied was true, but knowing how these men were, and witnessing firsthand their sexual escapades, it was too easy to believe.
I shook my head slowly, still dazed, and began to close my door when the door to the room next to me opened.
“Good morning, honey.” Bobbie’s voice drew my gaze her way. “What’s wrong?” She rushed to me when she noticed the tears falling down my cheek. “If you’re worried about Doc, don’t be, our men know what they’re doing.” She pulled me into my room and closed the door. “Oh good, I see one of the women brought you breakfast.”
I sat down on the edge of the bed and looked toward the tray. “Yeah. Peaches dropped it off.” I was still trying to come to grips with what she’d said.
Bobbie sat down next to me. “And?”
I met her eyes with a question in mine.
“I know something happened. I can see it in your eyes. And I know these club whores. They’re mean and ruthless when they want to be, and they like to stir up trouble.”
I wiped my eyes, hating myself for the thoughts that were running through my head. I trusted Liam, but I had insecurities just like anyone else, and thinking about him with these other women was too painful to bear. “She insinuated that she and Liam are fucking. He hasn’t slept here since moving me in.”
“Honey, I can’t speak about the past, but I know Doc hasn’t been spending time with her or anyone else. He hasn’t looked at another woman since he found out that you’re getting divorced.”
“I want to believe that, Bobbie, I really do.” I thought back to the night before when we’d come so close to losing control. “I guess I’m feeling insecure because we haven’t gotten to that level in our relationship yet. I know some men can’t go without...”
“Doc isn’t one of them!” Bobbie snapped. “And why the hell aren’t you having sex?”
Despite being torn up inside, I smiled at the mamma bear tone of her voice. “Still married.”