Page 6 of Doc
I’d expected her question, and I frowned. "Um, yeah, I've been having second thoughts about that." Liam's handsome face and the reaction I knew he would have if I showed up were uppermost in my mind. "I'm not sure I should go."
Her heavy sigh came across the line and revealed that she was annoyed by my answer. "I thought we'd talked about that."
We had, more than once.
"Don't let Doc get to you. He's been angry about something since he left his practice. You're not the only one at the receiving end of his cranky ass."
I took a breath. "He was very clear about me staying away from the clubhouse and the bar," I pointed out.
It grew quiet on her end for a minute before, "I wouldn't worry about that. Look, I love Doc. But if you didn't hear it from Demon, then screw Doc. How are you supposed to get on with your life and meet someone new and have those babies if you don't get out?"
I couldn't help but laugh. "I'm not even divorced yet. And honestly, Lulu, I've been thinking... I don't need a man to have a child." I had given it some serious thought. There were a lot of options to help a woman have a baby, many that didn’t include having a partner.
She snorted. "Yeah, but you'll have more fun doing it the old-fashioned way."
"I can’t argue with that," I relented, again thinking about Liam. I knew that I shouldn't torture myself, but I couldn't help fantasizing all the time about what being with him would be like. Sometimes I dreamed about it, and when I woke, I was hot and wet with arousal.
"Who knows? One of the Desert Rebels might catch your eye. Creepers is a nice guy, then there's Klutz...and Doc..."
I knew exactly what Lulu was doing the second she said the word “Doc.” She was fishing. Though she'd never questioned me about it, I suspected that she knew something was going on between us. The first time she'd seen us together had been when Brody had been shot up and lying in her bed, recovering. The looks that had passed back and forth between Liam and me had been telling to an observant eye, and Lulu had missed nothing.
I let out a doubtful sound. "Not sure anyone with the name ‘Creepers’ or ‘Klutz’ would interest me, honey."
"And there's Doc," she insisted. "I've seen the smoldering intensity between you two when you're around each other."
I chuckled. "Yeah, that's because he doesn't want me anywhere near him," I reminded her.
"Well, I think it's for a different reason."
"Can we talk about something else?"
Lulu laughed. "Okay. So what time will you be there tomorrow?" I shook my head at her tenacity. "It's an all-day thing," she added.
Of course,I thought. Any kind of celebration or event at the clubhouse went on for hours, sometimes days. Those men liked to party long and hard, and so did some of the women, especially those without children. And then there were the club girls. They seemed to always be around, clinging to the single men and offering up their bodies. I'd seen Doc and Mitzi together more than once.
Apparently, I'd been quiet for too long. I clicked my tongue. "If you promise not to try and hook me up, I'll make an appearance."
Laughter came across the line. "Bikers not your thing, huh?"
I wasn't going to answer that. "Apparently not yours either since you didn't marry one," I joked. Brody AKA Savage hadn’t joined the Desert Rebels until after they’d gotten together.
"No, I go for assassins," Lulu laughed, and then screeched, "Ouch!"
I'd heard a loud, clear slap over the phone, and then some rough muttering from Brody.
"I was kidding, baby!"
Brody had slapped her, but I knew without a doubt that it hadn't been across the face, and most likely on her lower cheek. Brody worshiped Lulu, and Lulu was the strongest women I knew. She would never put up with a man striking her.
"Okay, before I hang up, promise me that you'll make an appearance."
I snickered at Lulu's one-track-mind. And really, why was I fighting it so hard? I loved hanging out with the old ladies and always had a good time at the club’s functions. I knew I shouldn't let one sour-puss biker get in the way of a good time. The place was big enough for me to stay well away from Liam. Besides, seeing him with another woman always ruined my mood.
"I'll be there, but I don't know when or for how long."
"Great! Look for me when you get there."