Page 60 of Doc
Chapter 21
I’d drifted back to sleep in Liam’s arms after he’d exhausted my body for a third time. When I finally awoke for the day, I was still tender and sore, but pleasantly so. I was also extremely sticky between my legs and needed a shower. A blissful smile spread across my lips as I slowly and carefully inched myself out from under the heavy arm that was thrown over me and scooted from the bed.
I stared down at Liam for a moment, letting my eyes eat him up. He was magnificent. Beautiful even. It seemed that every muscle in his body was defined and revealed how strong and powerful he was. I licked my lips at the abs lining his torso, and the Adonis belt leading to his cock, which was hidden from view due to the sheet that he had tucked between his thick thighs. The firm muscles of his arms stood out, even in a relaxed state, and were riddled with thick veins. His hands—I loved his hands. They were smooth and tanned with long fingers, and they gave me so much pleasure.
I shivered as I remembered how they felt inside me, curling against that sweet spot that intensified my orgasms. As I felt myself grow wet, I forced myself back to the present and turned to go to the bathroom. I showered quickly, dressed, and then headed downstairs to leave for work. Once I realized that I was running late, I decided to skip breakfast. When I entered the main room, my gaze automatically went to the bar in search of Klutz.
“Good morning.”
“Mornin’. No breakfast today?”
The way that I had bypassed the kitchen doorway and had headed straight for the front door gave it away. “No time, I’m running late.” I hated being late, and Mrs. Robbins, my first patient of the day, hated it when I was late.
He left the bar stool he’d been sitting on and walked toward me. “Doc know you’re leaving?”
I gave him an annoyed look for questioning me. “He got in this morning, and I didn’t want to wake him.” I opened the door and stepped outside. “Besides, I have permission to go to work.” Something about the sound of those words did not sit right with me. Maybe it was the fact that I was a grown, independent woman, and I had used the word “permission” to describe something I had the ability to decide to do on my own.
“How many patients you have today?” His bike was parked right next to my car.
“Four. Two this morning, two after lunch.” I opened my door and climbed behind the wheel, setting my purse on the seat next to me. My medical supplies were in the backseat in a large bin, the bag with my medical supplies next to it and already filled with what I’d need for Mrs. Robbins.
She lived in Boulder City, which was about thirty minutes away. Luckily the road that cut through the desert wasn’t heavily traveled and made a straight beeline into town. About twenty minutes into my drive, my phone alerted me to a call coming in, which was promptly followed by a text. I waited until I’d arrived at Mrs. Robbins’ little house and parked before checking it out.
Seeing Liam’s name flash across the screen made me feel warm and happy inside. I hit the phone icon to call him back, thankful when Klutz finally turned off his bike where he’d pulled up behind me. There was a car that I’d never seen before parked in Mrs. Robbins driveway, but I didn’t pay any attention to it once I heard Liam’s slightly reproachful tone.
“You left without kissing me goodbye.”
“You looked so peaceful and sweet, I didn’t have the heart to wake you,” I smiled.
“Woman,” he growled, “never tell a biker he looks sweet.”
Soft laughter escaped me. “I promise I’ll make it up to you.”
This seemed to perk him right up, and I could well imagine where his mind went. “How?”
“I’ll give you two kisses when I get back.”
“That’s a start, baby.” I could hear the grin in his voice. “Where are you?”
“In Boulder City. Don’t worry, Klutz is with me. I have four patients to see today, so I may be late. Luckily, I’m getting Mrs. Robbins out of the way first. She’s, um, slightly needy.” It was true, but understandable. She was alone most of the time, although today it appeared that she had company. “I need to go, honey.”
“Where’s your next patient?” he asked, catching me before I hung up.
Movement in my rearview mirror revealed Klutz lighting up a cigarette. “Tom Johnson, why?”
“I want another brother to join Klutz, just as a precaution.”
I frowned. I didn’t like the sound of that. “Has something happened?