Page 77 of Doc
“Don’t know, but we gotta help that girl.”
Savage was only voicing what we all were thinking. When Monk raised his gun as if to shoot at the girl again, I hollered at him. “Monk!”
He jerked to a halt and swung his head our way. The expression on his face when he saw us was one of incredulity, and then indecision. He glanced in the girl’s direction again, but she was out of sight now. He snarled and took a shot at us. I withdrew my weapon, thinking to shoot him in the leg. Monk turned and began to run back the way he’d come, but one shot stopped him in his tracks and he fell to the ground.
I looked over at Savage with surprise.
He shrugged. “You were too slow,” he smirked.
“I think we found our rat,” I muttered, heading for where Monk lay. It all became clear now. He’d been the one tipping Wild Bandits off every time his club or ours were about to make a move. “Trip will want to deal with him.”
My brothers were right behind me. Once we cleared the obstruction of the barn, I could see the house the woman had pointed to when she’d been talking to Snake. Monk’s moaning confirmed that he was still alive, but when I was close enough to see where Savage’s bullet had hit him, I knew he wouldn’t survive.
Savage stopped and stared down at Monk indifferently. “Looks like I saved him from a beating.” He spit on the ground next to Monk.
A snort escaped Cole. “Trip’s not going to be happy.” Monk looked like he was about to close his eyes for the last time, and Cole gave him a tap with his boot. “Why’d you do it?”
Monk coughed and sputtered up blood, but managed, “Fuck you.”
I turned toward the house where I knew I’d find Harlow. “Don’t have time for this,” I tossed over my shoulder with an impatient growl. “I’m getting my woman back!”
“He’ll kill... her the... second... he sees you!” Monk rasped in a satisfied tone that revealed that it had taken all that he had to get the words out.
I didn’t bother acknowledging his smug remark and kept going, determined to get my woman.
“Wait a minute, Brother.” Cole caught up to me and put a restraining hand on my shoulder, holding me back. “We go together.” He glanced back at Snake. “Get this asshole in the truck and
guard him in case he makes it.”
“We need to be careful when we approach the house.” Savage was right on my heels. “He’ll have heard the shots.”
We kept low, using the landscape to our advantage. The closer I got to the house, the harder my heart pounded as I recalled Monk’s words. The house was shaped like a box, the back of it solid except for an entrance door on the side and a small window located further down.
“Split up, we’ll each take a side.”
Cole was already breaking away and running toward the corner on the left-hand side of the house. Savage sprinted straight to the opposite end, and then disappeared around the corner toward the front. I headed for the door. It was unlocked, and I didn’t hesitate to pull it open and step inside. I took a quiet step further into the room and in the direction of an entranceway that I could clearly see led into a kitchen.
“Hello, Doc.”
Fuck!I swung to the side of me where a woman had been hiding in the corner. My gaze fell on the gun in her hands as she stepped out of the shadows.
“I saw you approaching and thought I’d wait around and give you a warm welcome.”
If she’d seen my approach then she must have seen Savage and Cole’s, too. A scream split the air, and everything in me wanted to run to Harlow. I curled my fists, pissed that Tamara had gotten the drop on me. She was too far away for me to do anything about it, though. I didn’t want to shoot a woman, but I would if forced to.
I recognized the woman. She’d been a club whore for us for a damned long time before she up and disappeared after the fiasco we’d had with Junior, a former member of the club. We’d looked for her for a while, but then assumed that she’d made a run for it after Junior got killed. Never thought I’d see the bitch again.
“Surprised to see me?”
Bitch was smiling, and I knew if I got my hands on her I’d snap her scrawny neck. I struggled to keep from squeezing the trigger and ending her. “You could say that,” I gritted out. All I could think about was getting to Harlow. “I’m surprised you came back.”
She shrugged and made the mistake of stepping closer to me. “After all the years of fucking you guys, you weren’t very forgiving of me in the end. But I’m a survivor.” She laughed softly and took another step, confident with the weapon in her hand. “I met Bronx at a rally, and well, here I am.”
Harlow screamed again, and I couldn’t take it any longer. I lunged at Tamara, and then she was the one screaming. She fought me like a woman possessed, but she was no match for me. I snatched the gun from her hand and shoved her halfway across the room. I didn’t wait to see where she landed. I tucked her gun in the back of my waist, pivoted, and rushed from the room until I came upon Harlow and Bronx.
I came to a dead stop, taking everything in at once.
Bronx held Harlow in front of him like a shield, wearing a smug grin as he casually played with the knife at her delicate throat. His pants were undone. My heart lurched at her condition. Beaten. Bloody. Her blouse ripped open down the front. Bronx had her skirt gathered up in one hand, exposing her thigh. But as our eyes connected, hers filled with relief.