Page 4 of Deviant
I grab my clutch and shoes while heading out the door.
I sling my heels on as we wait for the slow-ass elevator from my building to show up. It would be quicker to take the stairs, but either one of us is liable to fall and break our neck in these heels.
“Can we go to Onyx, finally?”
“Nope. That’s a no from me. Pick any other nightclub or bar and I’m down. Just not Onyx,” I tell her. She’s been bothering me for months since I let it slip that my dad owns it. I think she was hurt that I kept it from her, but it wasn’t on purpose. Not really.
I just tend to keep my dad’s business to myself, but she knew he owned his own company. I just hadn’t told her it was Onyx. We always just went to campus hangouts while in school, so it never really came up until after we graduated. Dad is pretty private about work, and I don’t necessarily think he would care if I told her about it. But I know he would appreciate the fact that I kept it to myself. So, I usually do. It doesn’t harm anyone. It doesn’t sound like a fun time to be drinking and flirting with guys, and at any moment having your dad pop up and glare over your shoulder. The Davis glare would kill my libido and any chance I have of taking someone home.
No freaking thank you.
The elevator finally shows up and we jump in.
“Fine, but then you have to do two shots of Don Julio with me. No excuses.” I hate tequila. I don’t actually hate tequila, but it makes my lips loose and my clothes have a hard time staying on. Which happens to a lot of us.
We reach the ground level, and our ride is waiting for us.
“You know I will. Stop giving me those puppy dog eyes. Get in the damn car.” I laugh at her before walking around the other side and climbing in.
“Ladies. Looking good. Where are we going tonight, and can I come?” the baby-faced driver asks, and if I didn’t know you had to be my age or older to ride share, I’d be concerned.
“Heston Plaza please,” Justina says, not offering him anything else.
When it comes to people inserting themselves into her plans, she’s very cut and dry.
“Sure thing, dollface.” Oh. Well, here’s hoping she just swallows her retort.
Two minutes go by, and I think we’re in the clear.
I was wrong.
“Listen, Jared. I’m not your dollface. I’m not anything but a paying customer who doesn’t want to be harassed. Do I look like I’m hehe’n and haha’n and enjoying your little remarks? I’m sorry, what was that? No. No, the fuck I’m not. I am paying you for a service. To drive me and my friend. I’m not paying you to flirt. Mind your business and get us to our destination safely. Or you and I can have a not-so-friendly chat like we are now, and then I’ll go fuck your boss just to get you fired. Cool? Cool.”
And there we go. Verbally eviscerated in less than five minutes, start to finish.
The next ten minutes are silent between all of us, but I don’t mind. It allows me to collect myself before the night officially starts.
“Heston Plaza. Thank you for using ride share. Have a great night.” Poor Jared sounds scared out of his fucking mind, but I have to give it to him. He didn't piss his pants.
Climbing out of the Toyota Camry, Justina and I link arms before walking into Flesh and Fiddle.
I quirk my eyebrow at her, but all she does is shrug.
“The drinks are good; the food is good.”
“Is that all?” I inquire, knowing that there’s something else.
“Okay fine. I fucked one of the dancers and now I want to watch her perform. So, shoot me.” And there it is.
“I have no issues. Let’s go inside and eat and watch your girl.” I tug her inside while she grumbles.
“She’s notmy girl. She’s just someone I slept with. Christ. Now you’ve got me in a relationship with her. This is why I can’t be a hoe.” I just let her ramble on while I tell the hostess we need a table for two.
“Ladies, enjoy your evening here with us. Zoey will be your server and will be with you shortly.” She leaves us at our table before walking away.
The lighting is dim, but we can still see, and a curvy girl with caramel-colored hair is heading our way.
“Is that her?” I ask Justina, but she just shakes her head no.