Page 130 of Take Me With You
“The girl who broke your heart. And don’t you dare say no one. I don’t recall ever seeing you look so sad, and we were together for two years. You must love her.”
Laughing, I ask, “What is it with you and Shep?”
“He says you love her too?”
I nod.
“Shep’s an asshole and a sex maniac but a pretty good judge of character. He knows you better than most, though you don’t like to admit it.”
“Yeah, whatever,” I grumble.
“Tell me the story,” Claire insists.
And I do.
When I’m finished, she says, “And here I was thinking that you’d come here to tell me how you couldn’t live without me.”
“Shut up, fucker!” she says, laughing at me.
She always did have a great sense of humor.
“Seriously, Cade, I think that Shep is right. There may be more to the story, and you should allow her to tell you that.”
“I’m not into breaking up happy homes. You heard what I just told you.”
“I did, and from everything you told me about this girl, something else was going on with her from the start. You said she seemed broken when you first met but lit up around you. You felt connected when she came out of her shell on that trip.”
“I tried calling. She won’t accept my calls anymore.”
Claire narrows her eyes. “I know this will sound pretty immature, but...and this is a big but. What if... if her husband has blocked your calls? That could be why they’re going to voicemail.”
“I’m not getting my hopes up about her, Claire. I’ll go back to living my life as I was before.”
“And missing out on what could be the opportunity of a lifetime? This woman just may be your soulmate.”
Claire’s words are jarring. I’ve always believed in taking my future into my hands and dictating the outcome as much as possible.
“Cade, this is the first time I’ve seen you sit back on your haunches, throw a full-blown pity party, and do shit about it.”
“Exactly. Look, even if she has blocked your calls and never wants to hear from you again, at least get the closure you need. Go to her and find out the answers to what happened between you and why she never told you about her husband. Worst case scenario, I’m wrong, and she’ll tell you to fuck off. In the best-case scenario, she’ll say that the two of you were meant to be, and she’s leaving that fucker for you. Either way, you deserve answers, Cade. Don’t deny yourself that opportunity.”
I think about what she’s saying for a while, and she nudges my shoulder, grinning spectacularly up at me.
“You know that I’m right.”
“Yeah, maybe.”
We sit silently a bit longer, and I ask, “What about you? Have you started dating?”
“Dating, but that does not always equate to sex. I had one sexual encounter since I’ve been here, which was a fucking colossal failure.”
“Damn, do I want to know?”