Page 18 of Take Me With You
“I’m the managing director at my company’s investment firm.”
“Oh? What’s the name of it?”
“The Maxwell Group.”
My eyebrows lift. Their company is only one of the largest investment management firms in the country. They have firms in London, Tokyo, Toronto, Paris, Sydney, Athens, and Thessaloniki.
“My father is grooming me to take over upon his retirement.”
“How long is that?”
“Within the next two years.”
“Wow. How long has he been grooming you?”
“Since I was six months old.”
I laugh.
“Seriously, he intended for my brothers and me to take over the company, but that’s not happening.”
“Why not?”
“You met Shep?” he says with a faint tinge of annoyance but a loving gleam in his eyes.
Laughing, I say, “I understand.”
“Right. And my younger brother, Ezra, is a professional golfer.”
“TheEzra Maxwell?”
“One and the same. You sound as if you’ve heard of him.”
“Who hasn’t? I’ve seen him, his commercials, previews of his game on the news when they’re giving the sports cap, and I might have caught a game or two on television.”
“Oh, sports fan?”
Laughing, I shake my head. “No, just a fan of gorgeous men with dark hair and beautiful eyes.”
“Oh, so you think my brother’s gorgeous?” he asks with a playful smile.
“Yes, I think all of you are.”
His smile dims slightly, and he continues to stare at me. “Thank you,” he finally says.
“You’re welcome.”
I watch him take me in, his eyes slowly roving over me and making me feel like he’s drinking me in.
“Yaya? I have to know. Is that your birth name?”
“No. That’s what my family and friends call me. It’s short for Yesenia.”
“Yesenia Abril Lupe Carver-Tid. Carver,” I say with finality, dropping the rest of my name.
“So exotic.”