Page 41 of Take Me With You
Kincaid Maxwell is unlocking the key to my beating heart and how it beats so hard for him!
Mr. Maxwell, I think I want more of you.
Thankfully her ankleis only sprained and not broken. She wasn’t happy to hear that it would take two weeks before it felt better, though, and the doctor has ordered her to remain on bed rest for the rest of the week.
That was three days ago. Tomorrow we are scheduled to leave to return home to Charleston, South Carolina, but she can’t go. Of course, that means that Yesenia is not happy about this, and she’s been bitching and complaining ever since the doctor left three days ago.
Nothing that we do for her is sufficient. She’s unhappy about everything, even though some of us have opted out of the activities to take turns sitting with her while the others leave. Or should I say that she’s not happy with me? I’m the only one she seems to be giving grief to, not Lauren, Kylie, Denise, and definitely not Stacey.
“I have to go back home, Cade,” she argues.
I’ve moved her from her bedroom to mine because it has an en suite. That way, she won’t have to maneuver from her bedroom down the hall to the bathroom.
“It’s out of the question, Nia.”
“I have a job to return to.”
“The job and organization can run just fine without you, I’m told.”
“Stacey doesn’t know what she’s talking about!”
“It wasn’t Stacey that I spoke with. Yes, Stacey led me to call Carlos, your operations director, but he said you should take your time coming back. He said that the staff and management team has everything under control and has had it under control for the last couple of weeks that you’ve been gone.”
“He doesn’t know—”
“If he wasn’t capable, Nia, you wouldn’t have left him in charge in the first place. Am I right?”
She refuses to answer and rolls her eyes, looking out the picturesque window to the mountains beyond.
“I don’t want to remain in a hotel for two weeks, Cade.”
“You don’t have to. You can stay here,” I reply, pushing my hands into the pockets of my sweats.
I hide them so she can’t see me balling my hands into fists. This woman infuriates me. She’s so fucking stubborn! I shouldn’t care, but for some odd reason, I do.