Page 43 of Take Me With You
I roll my eyes and stomp out of the room.
“She’s such a fucking nuisance! She doesn’t listen to shit! How hard-headed can one woman be?” I grunt, jogging down the stairs.
Shepherd is on my heels, murmuring, “As hard-headed as one man. I’d say that you’ve met your match, Kincaid Holt Maxwell.”
I turn to glare at my brother. “My match?”
He nods, still wearing that same infuriating sneer.
“You get involved in these relationships looking for, I guess, what Mom and Dad have. You’re always looking for love but unequally matched with the women you’re with. After several months or a year at best, you grow bored, end the relationship, and then have a couple of casual fucks until you’re enamored with the next woman.”
“I don’t do that.”
“Yes, you do,” Shepherd says. “The problem with that is that they don’t challenge you. They tell you whatever you want to hear and grin and cater to your every whim because you’re the elusive bachelor of the bunch of us. None of those women know you, and you don’t let the women you date be too close. They’re always afraid of stepping on your toes or getting kicked out of your life, so they do what you want and become who you want them to be. Their personalities are vapid, except for Claire. This woman, though, she’s different than all of them, including Claire.”
“You got that right. I think she’s going to be a soul-sucking bitch!”
Shepherd chuckles, and I see nothing funny.
“Maybe, maybe not. From what I’ve seen and heard, she’s only giving you the blues. Got any idea why that might be, dear brother?”
“Because she wants to make my life a living hell? Because she’s still mad that I carried her away until we ran into the emergency services personnel?”
She said that if it wasn’t embarrassing enough that she fell in front of everyone, how I hauled her off made the situation more humiliating.
“For a man so smart and who’s about to run a multi-billion-dollar company, you can be awfully dense,” Shepherd says, pulling out a joint and lighting it.
“Then what would you say?”
“That she likes you and that she’s horny and wants you to fuck the shit out of her until she returns to her senses.”
I shake my head. “Unlike you, Shep, I don’t think everything is about sex.”
“If you did, then maybe you wouldn’t be such a serious, miserable bastard all the time.”
“Fuck you!” I say, storming off from him.
I need to head outside to get some fresh air.
ALMOST TWO HOURS HAVEpassed before I return to the chalet. I walked down by the lake, and although it’s a few weeks before Christmas, it’s relatively warm out today.
I’ve decided that I won’t fight her on this. I don't know her holiday plans, but I don’t want to ruin them.
When I return to the house, I hear arguing and prepare myself for whatever attack Yesenia is ready to launch. She’s grown on me; if I’m honest with myself, I want her to remain here for a couple of weeks. I’m not ready for this to end.
She only started opening up to me over the last several days, and I want more. More of her kisses, more of her touch, and more of her delicious body. I planned to ravish her body and light her on fire.
As I head upstairs, the voices get louder, and I recognize them as Andrew and Lauren. I have no idea what they’re arguing about, but I have my own battles to worry about.
When I return to my former room, I find Yesenia on the bed reading a book.
“Hi,” I greet.
She glances up with that same pouty look. “Hi,” she replies dryly.
I walk to the bed and sit down beside her. “Can we talk?”