Page 64 of Take Me With You
Not that I need her approval, but I’m starting to look at her differently.
“Don’t start, Champ,” Cade says dryly. “You’re starting to sound like Shep and Lauren.”
“He’s a smart man, and she’s...from what I’ve heard, not such a smart woman.”
“Are you gossiping, woman?” a dark-skinned man with deep waves in his hair comes up behind Champ and asks.
I watch as he presses his tongue against her neck and draws a line to her ear.
“Umm...nooo,” she stammers, closing her eyes.
“Get a room,” Cade says, laughing at them.
“I’ve been trying to convince her all evening,” the man says.
“Merrick, babe. This is Yaya, Cade’s date for the evening, and Yaya, this is my boyfriend, Merrick Slade,” she says, pulling away from him and changing the subject. But her eyes still sparkle, and I know that her man has gotten to her.
The man leans forward and extends his hand to me. I take it and shake it.
“It’s nice meeting you, Yaya.”
“Nice to meet you, as well.”
“If you two don’t mind, I’m about to steal my woman and see if I can find a bathroom,” he says.
Laughing, she says, “Nice meeting you, Yaya. I hope for Cade’s sake you’re here to stay.”
I’m surprised at her words, and she disappears before Kincaid can respond. When I look up at him, there’s a dark, mysterious look that I can’t interpret in his eyes, but his jaw is clenching.
“Are you okay?” I ask.
“I won’t be okay until I’m buried nine hard fucking inches inside of you,” he rumbles in my ear as he stands behind me, wrapping one arm over my midsection.
I can feel why he’s standing behind me, and I know he doesn’t want anyone to see what I can so clearly feel.
We didn’t have time on the plane for me to suck him off, and boy, how I wanted to. I wanted to feel him between my lips and get my fill of him how he got his fill of me. I was disappointed that I came so quickly the first time, but he wasn’t finished with me and made sure he got a second orgasm out of me before he was done.
It’s been such a long time since I’ve been with a man it was no surprise that I came as quickly as I did. The thought of what Cade did to me on that plane has me clenching my legs again and wishing that, like Champ and Merrick, we could also find a bathroom.
“Let’s go,” he says.
“Where’re we going?” I ask as he tugs my hand.
“Somewhere I can put you comfortably on your fucking knees,” he grumbles.
I try to hold my laughter in, but it’s impossible.
“Glad you find it so fucking funny. In the next five minutes, you’ll be choking on that laughter as I stuff your mouth full of dick,” he replies as we make our way through the crowd.
Every so often, someone stops him to speak with him. I spot Shep in the crowd, and he has some woman on his arm that I haven’t seen before. She’s an Asian woman, beautiful and tall, model-like. I know my stepsister, Stacey, is in Japan ringing in the New Year, but I don't know where Kylie is.
“Seems your brother has many women to choose from,” I say.
“Told you he’s got a harem,” Cade mutters as he gives his brother a brief nod and keeps moving.
We escape the crowd and head back down the long hallway. Just as I wonder if we’re getting ready to leave, Cade jiggles a doorknob before he opens it. When we step inside, he quickly closes and locks it behind us.
“Where are we?” I ask, looking around at the bookshelves that cover three walls. There’s a second level in this room and a staircase that leads up to it. There appears to be office space above, and two ladders run along the bookshelves. The fourth wall is full of various paintings. There are busts of the famous philosophers Thales, Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.