Page 9 of Take Me With You
We stayed up way toolong last night. Much longer than all the others, even Yaya and I didn’t go to bed when Tyler and Denise finally did. The latter spent most of the night reminiscing on our youth, telling Yaya stories about the shenanigans we all used to get into with a focus on mine. As much as they focused on my stories, she played right into it, asking more and more questions about me.
After they went to bed for the night, lured into her presence, I talked about my family, youth, high school and college years, and business. Opening up and talking to her was easy because she’s a great listener and wise beyond her years.
I hadn’t realized until waking up this morning that she had not reciprocated. I can’t recount a single detail about her life.
We’ve had breakfast, and we’re now out on the slopes. I see the uneasy look in Yaya’s eyes, and as much as I want to rescue her, another smaller voice warns me to stay back.
But like a moth to a flame...
“You okay?”
“I’m sure I will be.”
“Never skied before?”
She shakes her head, and her honey-colored skin tone turns red at the admission. She’s cute with flyaway curls that have escaped the ponytail she fashioned her hair into before tugging the cotton-candy pink hat down over her curly hair and ears.
“Did you know we’d be skiing when you agreed to come?”
She nods and slants me a sheepish look. “I thought I’d get out of it somehow.”
“Let me guess, Stacey wouldn’t go for it?”
She nods.
“She’s a nice girl but also seems a bit bossy.”
“She is,” Yaya agrees, struggling with adjusting the strap of her goggles.
“Here, let me help you with those.”
She holds still while I adjust the strap. When I finish, she turns to me with a smile and says, “Thanks,” causing something to churn in my belly.
“You’re welcome,” I say quietly. “Now for the skis.”
She looks at the equipment like they’re dangerous mountains to conquer, and I laugh. “Not as hard as you’re thinking. Here let me show you, and you can do exactly as I do. Make sure there’s no snow on the sole of your boots first.”
She watches everything that I do and mimics my actions. Her cheeks have turned a bright red, making the brown freckles on her cheeks and nose more noticeable.