Page 43 of Nitro
I step into the steamy shower minutes later, washing away the long day, the stench of the hospital, scary thoughts of boogeymen chasing me down, motorcycle men with haunted eyes, and the fact that one man with beautiful eyes lost both his parents on the same day.
Iglance at the clockon the bedside table. It’s a little after three in the morning, and I think I heard a noise.
I’m not certain I feel safer here than when I was home. Hell, with his arsenal downstairs, he didn’t even make sure I was equipped in case someone broke in. Having Zeus nearby does comfort me, though.
It’s funny. I only met the dog today, and he and I are closer than his owner and me. He follows me around the loft, rests at my feet constantly, and seems to look forward to my ear rubs.
I stayed in the living room watching TV until I couldn’t stay awake any longer. I’d gone into the bathroom and washed up with some decidedly masculine-smelling soap, washed my panties and bra out on hand and hung them up to dry.
With Zeus forgoing his dog bed and lying on the floor on the side of the bed I’d chosen, I slid into Nitro’s soft, black satin sheets and wondered about that. Most men didn’t have sheets like this because they didn’t care about things like that. Unless there was a woman involved. I wondered how many women had lain in this bed before me.
The difference was they would have been lying here being pleasured by him while I lay wondering where he was and if he wanted me as much as I wanted him. Thinking those thoughts hadn’t helped, especially with his scent all over the sheets.
It had taken a lot of tossing, turning, and squeezing my thighs tight to keep me from rubbing one out, but in the end, I survived. I had fallen asleep at some point after midnight.
Now I tense in bed as I lean to the side and look for Zeus, who is no longer there. I hear his nails tapping on the floor just outside the bedroom, and I lay still, listening for other sounds.
I smell him before I hear him, and I’m certain it isn’t the scent in his sheets. No, this smell is distinctly different. The familiar metallic scent of blood is mixed with the scent of his cologne and his natural aroma.
I know that scent anywhere. I’ve worked in the ER for too many years not to be able to detect it over all other scents like a bloodhound. My body stiffens in bed, and fear overtakes me.
I should have left when I had the chance. What do I really know about Nitro? Hell, what do I really know about Detective Blackwood, for that matter? I didn’t even know he had a brother until a few days ago. Now I’m trusting his guidance? Yeah, I’ve lost my damn mind, obviously because I’m horny and crazy as hell.
When I spoke with Tiff and Niecy, they assured me they were safe. Nitro had already advised me not to disclose my location, and apparently, they were under the same orders.
After a couple of minutes, I hear the shower in the bathroom turn on, and I lay in his bed, sexually frustrated, imagining him undressing. I think about him using the same soap that I used earlier. How it would look rubbing over the hard muscles of his arms and chest, dipping over what I imagine is a flat stomach and gliding across his length.
I imagine the musky scent of his nuts being cleansed in that soap and what he smells like afterward. Shit! Now I’m wet, and my nipples are hard. I press my hand against my breasts, trying to remove the achiness and find comfort in the cool metal of the captive bead rings, or CBRs as I generally reference them, piercing my nipple.
Nothing is working, and after several minutes, I give up and decide to play a game on my phone. Anything to get my mind off sex. I reach over to the nightstand for my phone, only it isn’t there.
What the hell? I placed it there to charge when I entered the bedroom. Slipping out of bed, I bend and run my hand over the floor, searching for it. I sit back on my heels, racking my brain as to where it could be, trying to recall if I’d gotten up, taken it back out front, and forgotten about it.
I retrace my night in my mind, but I’m coming up empty. I scoot closer to the bed, thinking it might have fallen underneath and peer under, but I can’t see anything. I swipe my hand back and forth when I hear his voice.
“Looking for this?”
I slide my head from underneath the bed and see Nitro staring down at me. He’s standing in the doorway, holding my phone and smirking. I glance down and see he’s wearing nothing but a navy blue towel.
The damn towel isn’t doing anything to hide that massive outline underneath. When I glance back up at him, I realize he isn’t staring at me, and then I realize that his t-shirt isn’t hiding my ass well. He knows that I’m wearing nothing but a T-shirt.
I hurriedly sit up and pull the T-shirt down over myself before I stand.
“What are you doing with that?” I ask with embarrassment burning my insides.
“It was buzzing when I first got home. I took it to turn it off, but then I saw a couple of messages from your sister. You really should keep a lock on your phone, ya know.”
“You really shouldn’t be checking people’s messages, you know,” I reply, walking towards him to get my phone.
“You really shouldn't be tempting a man like that,” he growls as his eyes rove my body.
Sneering at him and ignoring the yearning in my pussy, I reach for my phone.
“Not so easy there.”
He holds it up over his head, and I swing upward, reaching for it, only I lose my balance and fall forward into him, and Nitro grabs me around the waist to right me.