Page 57 of Nitro
I’m sure I don’t look any better as I feel my lip swelling and something wet under my left eye that I can’t see out of anyway.
“You can be pissed at me, Nitro. You can be fucking angry at me, but you don’t get to cut me off.”
“Fuck you,” I say, climbing off him.
“Yeah, fuck me, fuck you...whatever. You don’t get to cut me off, brother.”
“My brother wouldn’t have left my ass out in the cold like you did.”
“I didn’t leave your ass in the cold. I stayed right there.”
“Creating doubt in a moment where there shouldn’t have been any! That shit could’ve waited until after or before we left the clubhouse!”
“You’re right.”
I didn’t expect that. The steam deflates, and my shoulders slump.
“I was wrong, and you were right, Nitro. I know better than some shit like that. It could’ve gotten us all killed. My head’s fucked up lately, and I don’t know what to do about it, bro.”
“Get some fucking counseling,” I bark.
Shrugging, he says, “Yeah. Been thinking about that. I just...” he hangs his head and shakes it, and if he weren’t so hellbent on always proving how tough he is, I’m sure Axle would’ve shed a tear or two.
“You just what?”
“Lost without her. My mom was my world, Nitro.”
His gaze speaks to me because he knows that I relate to that. As much as I loved my Da, I was a mama’s boy. Ryan was as close to our Da as I was to our Ma.
“Can’t fight this battle on my own, though. Yeah, I’ve got my brothers here, but if you walk away...I don’t have shit.”
My jaw clenches.
I look up and see Texas rushing toward me. There’s a look of terror and a haunted look in his eyes. Instantly, the rushing of blood drowns my ears, and adrenaline flows through me.
I know I won’t like the message he’s delivering, not when I look up and see a pack of brothers flooding the parking lot and starting up their bikes. He’s afraid, but I’m too fucking scared to be scared.
“Hurricane called. It’s Simone.”
“What?” I snarl.
“She’s gone. He’s following the car that took her but needs backup!”
“Let’s go get this fucker!” Axle is the first to shout as numbness takes over me.
I stare off into the distance knowing this shit can’t be happening. First my parents, then my brother, now Moni? If only I’d been there.
“Get on your fucking bike and move your ass!” Axle shouts.
Coming out of my fog, I hop on the bike as Hurricane runs to his. “They’re heading into East Oakland.”
I already know where he’s going. He’s taking her back to his territory and daring me to enter it. This bastard wants to play; it’s time to play muthafucka!
The sun starts to set like an omen as we roll out of the clubhouse parking lot, forming a V-formation. Everyone flanks behind me, with Merlin and Axle to my immediate right and left, Toad and Frenchie behind them, and the rest bringing up the rear.
We zip in and out of traffic, people pulling to the side of the road when they hear the straight pipes blasting through the night. A warning that hell has arrived, and it’s at your front door.