Page 66 of Nitro
Maybe tomorrow I can return to work. But first, I’ll need to spend time with my family and go home, where I can rest peacefully and acclimate to my place again.
“How are you feeling, baby girl?”
“I’m good, Daddy. How have you been?”
He strokes his fingers between the short threads of his grey beard. “Oh, I’m getting along just fine. Your sisters have been running ‘round here driving me insane and won’t let me lift a finger. And that Tiff, when they letting her go back to work?”
“I don’t know, Daddy,” I say, laughing and shaking my head as Niecy walks in.
“Daddy, are you giving Moni a hard time?” she asks, setting a platter of food on his TV tray.
Daddy rolls his eyes and doesn’t answer. Niecy smiles and kisses him on the cheek before catching my eye. Tilting her head towards the patio doors, she indicates I should follow her outside.
“How are youreallyfeeling?” she asks after we settle at the patio table.
Shrugging, I say, “I don’t know. I was scared, and then after my...abduction...I thought I wouldn’t see you all again. Now, I have no idea what I’m feeling. Maybe numb?”
“Scared about how easily things can get out of control, leaving you unsettled?”
“Some of that.”
“What’s the rest?”
I turn it over in my head and decide that if I can’t talk to my big sis, who can I confide in?
“The biker?” she asks with a smirk.
“How’d you know?”
“Girl, please. Come on. This is the Cole family we’re talking about. Every last one of us is like a sieve that can’t hold water, especially your baby sis. Tiff’s been talking about that man since she arrived. How fine he is, how he had you spellbound—”
“What?” I shriek.
“Mm-hmm. Even how he visited her later that day after you had a breakdown checking on you and asking if you needed anything.”
“I didn’t know.”
She nods. “Mm-hmm. So, what about him that has you feeling unsettled?”
“Everything, Niecy. What he represents. What he does. I’m a healer by nature. He’s...the opposite. He’s dangerous. A criminal. Lives on the edge of society. Yet, when he’s away from that world, I see an entirely different man. He’s protective, soothing, patient, and so gentle.”
She lifts her eyebrows, angling her head at me. “Mmm...girl, did you give up the panties already?”
“I did,” I admit.
My sister laughs and holds her hand up for me to slap. “Bout damn time! It’s been what...two years since you got any dick?”
“No. Just a year.”
I was tired of all the men that I’d been dating. Men who didn’t understand the world I came from nor my anger against certain elements of society. Men who thought I was bitter and angry. So, I decided I was better off alone for a while.
“Was it good?”
“Girl!” I say, rolling my eyes as I bite back the smile that graces my lips. “He was absolutely the best.” I don’t tell her about his metal pole because I know that sort of shit freaks Niecy out. She doesn’t understand my piercings in my nose, tits, or navel, and I damn sure don’t plan to tell her about the ones decorating my pussy.
“So, what’s the problem again?”