Page 47 of A Bullet Between Us
A deep red scar marked her neck, the tissue indicating it was still fresh. By the placement it stood on her neck and down her collarbone, I was shocked she was here; alive, and before me. My jaw locked as I tried not to react. My eyes slid up to hers, and we stood in silence.
Davina was the first to make a move as she turned, dipping one foot inside the tub to test the water before submerging herself underwater. I mimicked her movements, and slid her body forward to sit behind her. Bringing her back to my chest, I let her head rest on my torso.
“You are quiet,” she murmured.
A few bubbles floated over the water, touching her breasts while the ends of her wet black hair stuck to her shoulders. Bubbles glided over the water with the movements of our bodies.
“I’m afraid of what I will say,” I replied, letting my fingertips run over her arms.
“Does it bother you?”
“Bother me?” Was she really asking if it bothered me? Of course, it fucking did. Now more than ever I wanted to stay by her, protect her, and find the bastard that could do something like this to her.
“Yeah, I mean. It’s not pretty to look at.”
“Wait. Are you worried that I see you differently?” I asked, shocked.
I took her chin, turning her head to face me.
Her insecurity appeared again, but what pained me to see the most was the fear. Though, it wasn’t the same fear I’d seen in her eyes the first time I’d met her. It was fear of me seeing her undesirable.
It was painted all on her face for me to tell.
“No.” I shook my head, and this time I turned her body. Our knees were out of the water as we faced each other, and I took her face with both hands. “Don’t do that. Don’t think about something I’ve never said.” Running my thumb over her lips, I continued, “Davina, nothing will make me see you differently.”
Grabbing one of her hands, I placed it over my shoulder. Her fingertips ran across the welt I, too, had. It had been years since I received the wound, so it was no match to hers. It’d marked my skin, but after time, it faded and held no importance.
“See? I have a scar as well.” Her eyes inspected my shoulder more closely. “Now, do you see me differently?” I asked. Her head shook. “Then why should yours do that for me?”
“What happened?” she asked.
“First year in the force. I was young, naïve, and still had a sliver of hope for humanity.” I chuckled. “I got shot, well, more of a graze. But it was enough to remember where I stood.”
“In a dangerous world.”
Sleep wouldn’t come, and even with Davina’s bare body pressed on mine in a peaceful sleep, my mind raced. I thought about all the scenarios of how I could help keep her safe. Each solution always held the same answer—I couldn’t.
While the moon shone over her half-covered silhouette, I watched her face, watched the scar that was still too sensitive to touch. It’ll fade, eventually, but for now, the long and bulgy tissue still did its damage.
She’d wondered if I saw her differently, and I lied when I said I didn’t, because it wasn’t the way she thought I would.
I saw her strength. But mostly, I saw my way of growing more devoted to her.
The faint sound of wood creaking downstairs put my body in full alert.
This house was not meant to make a sound unless someone was here. It didn’t settle in the middle of the night or during the day like Davina’s did. No, my house was meant to tell when someone was here uninvited.
I sat up quickly. Quietly, I dressed in a pair of loose shorts, a tee, and picked up two guns and a knife from the dresser.
“Davina!” I whisper-shouted her name, causing her to stir. The sound downstairs grew and it had to be more than one person inside as doors creaked open in opposite parts of the house.
“Davina!” I shook her body gently and traced my fingertips over her face to calmly wake her without bringing her in a state of panic. The whites of her eyes had let me know she caught on quickly to my rigid body next to the bed and over hers. “Listen to me very quickly. You need to hide inside the closet for a while. Do not come out, and if you hear someone is about to open it… you shoot,” I rushed out, placing a gun next to her hands. “It’s loaded, cocked, and ready. All you have to do is pull the trigger. Don’t think.”