Page 53 of A Bullet Between Us
Arlo’s attention snapped to me, and in perfect Russian, “Russian it is then, dumbass.” Viktor shook his head, knowing where this was headed.
“It seems I’m the only one aware of the fucking bloodbath in your hallway. Or the death warrant you now have on your goddamn blond head,” Arlo shouted. “And if it was anyone else, brother––anyone fucking else, Ilias––you would have been killed the moment Viktor or I walked in because we would’ve taken you straight to your execution.”
“You are not involved, nothing will happen to you.”
“You think I give a shit about that? I’m worried about you, about how can Lucca possibly fix this, aside from killing you, and your…”
“Arlo,” Viktor warned.
“You both have no idea." Arlo’s lip twisted. "Lucca is now the boss, Sal stepped down to Consigliere while things settled. I’m standing as the underboss. And here I have our brother bringing the one thing that can get us all killed when our famiglia is hanging by a thread at the new changes. A war with the New York family.”
Davina reacted to the one thing she would have understood. New York Family.
Speaking in English, Arlo said to Davina, “That’s who you’ve been hiding from, right? You are Davina.”
My muscles tensed as my heart rattled inside its cage. This can’t be true.
Sadly, her eyes replied with the truth.
“Piece of shit, they killed it,” Viktor said when he pushed the buttons of the dead alarm system.
“For not listening about getting a better system,” Arlo muttered as he walked past us toward the front door.
“That’s enough, Arlo. Last I remembered, I was pushed to live a normal life,” Ilias bit back.
I watched them face each other. Ilias had called Arlo brother, but they didn’t share any characteristics. Arlo was a few inches taller, broad, and intimidating. He wore all black, from the boots on his feet to the stretched tee over his shoulders. Hazel eyes that inflicted tremors, full lips, and a strong jaw only an Italian descent could have. Arlo was someone I would be running from. His dark hair was cut short, adding more of his edge, and with the few tattoos that sprinkled around his forearms, he couldn’t look more different than Ilias or Viktor.
“Yeah? Look at how well that worked out,” Arlo sneered. His eyes peered over me before dismissing us both by walking out.
Viktor shook his head. “Come on, your face is losing color the longer we stay. Hop in my car, I’m sure Arlo left his somewhere safe.”
“I can drive,” Ilias muttered.
Viktor lowered his eyes for a second before the corner of his mouth twisted. “I think it’s best if you just come with us, man.”
“You think I’m going to run?” Ilias asked, but I heard the small surprise and hurt in his voice.
Viktor shook his head with a snicker.
“Please, brother.” Then his deep blue eyes slid my way. “Just making sure you are safe.”
I wondered if Ilias understood, it was me they didn’t trust, but that was alright. I didn’t trust them either. Not when Ilias’s life was at stake.
Viktor wasn’t surprised to find Arlo behind the wheel of his car, and thankfully I didn’t require much space as Arlo’s seat was far back, touching my knees when I hopped inside. Ilias sat next to me in the back of the car. He let out a groan when he rested his head back on the leather headrest with his arm wrapped around his middle.
I was worried about him, but I was sure once he would see a doctor, he would be okay. I stared out the small window to drown my worries, watching as the night stretched in a never-ending twist.
There were so many questions that burned inside of me, and none had been answered. On the contrary, more burst through my mind the longer we sat in silence. The numbness began to disappear, bringing my anxiety and panic to rush back.
Taking a deep breath, I turned to Ilias. His eyes were shut tightly from pain, but he didn’t make a sound. His clothes were stained red and his body was smeared with dried blood, red hands gripping his side. My heart rushed with many mixed feelings, from relief to see him next to me alive, to terrified of what he’d done.
What he was capable of.
My subconscious came knocking back, fear settled, and I woke from the trance I had currently been under.
He was a cop! So why are we not going to the police?