Page 110 of A War Around Us
It wasn’t until I was leaving, and I had Salvatore tear my siblings’ folder from the head of hell’s fingers, that I realized why Arlo and I shared similarities.
He was a full Italian.
He was given to the state of Florida at the age of two after his parents were killed by stray bullets from the same family he would soon work for.
I returned for him first, not because I didn’t want to tear the other two away from such misery, but because I had no power to do it.
Power was what I strived for from that day on. Control.
Arlo had filled out, and his height neared my eighteen-year-old body even if he was two years younger. His features were absent from any gentle lines and replaced by a stone-like appearance.
He’d walked into the room, missing the Velcro dark gray sack many left with. Apart from the clothes he wore, he left everything behind.
He had nothing.
And what I could offer wasn't better.
Salvatore left us alone inside the musky release room. But not after reminding me with his eyes of how much I could share out loud.
“You don’t owe me anything. You can walk out of these walls and try living for once. I will always check up on you, and I can help you get started.”
I gazed into his eyes, seeing nothing but emptiness.
“Or you can come with me. But I must say, my life isn’t mine, and yours won’t be either. What I do is not something I’d planned, but what had always been meant to be. It’s ugly, painful. Cruel.”
“Next to you?”
I nodded.
“And he’s part of it.” He nudged toward the door.
I didn’t answer, and his head bobbed, putting the blurry pieces together.
“Before you answer, I must tell you, if you choose this path, it means you’ll be with those who had a part of what happened to your parents.”
“I could give two shits.”
I had been wrong. These two years had done more than physical changes. They’d buried the boy I’d left behind.
“You are my family now. And you are wrong. I owe you my life.”
I stared at him, and after a curt dip of my chin, I walked up to the door.
Arlo didn’t follow until I said, “Don't worry, we’ll return for them.”
I didn’t finishmy sentence. I couldn’t, and I wouldn’t.
“Understood.” Arlo stepped away, and as I walked away, he briefed me quickly. “Security will be increased, and Viktor will have eyes on you both at all times. And youwillhave two tails as you drive. I will be inside the building, and six are infiltrating the catering crew. The others will be around the premises on standby.”
There he was.With a dark smile, I twisted the knob. “Now don’t go making my dick soft.”
“Fuck off, Lucca. Don’t question me either.”
“Never did,fratello.”
As I drove, all I desired was to find her emeralds, vibrant with life. Instead, I sat inside my car for far too long, moving pieces, strategizing, and following each trail and response. All flawed with blurry outcomes. One thing they all had in common was how clear they became once Enzo would take his father’s seat. I didn’t trust Mario’s support at a council meeting. It was obvious he didn’t care what could happen to Katia. However, I needed to find out the extent of their broken ties. I needed to request a council meeting before the wedding. With such a short timeline, and the publicity, I had to move quickly.