Page 119 of A War Around Us
“You…” He seethed through his bare teeth.
I was on him, straddling his hips, unable to stop.
To see it through.
Death, claiming his eyes.
Hell, opening its gates.
And for eternity to condemn his soul.
Strong hands wrapped around my neck. Clasping tightly and cutting off the flow of air from filtering into my lungs.
I held my breath to keep the panic from rising and raised my knife-wielding hand above me.
One moment, I was losing consciousness, and the next, I had pierced the stinger knife right into his throat. Dragging it out, I focused on his skin. The vein that popped with mock.
With a target in sight, I stabbed the needle blade again and again.
Spurts of blood coated my body, splashing red showers against my face as his grip weakened.
“I told you,” I gritted out between jabs “Not. Now.”
His hands struggled to reach his wounds as his mouth widened with gargling chokes while I fiercely drained the life out of him. After his arms flopped to his side, and his eyes stared vacantly at me, I stopped.
I pulled out the pick knife from his neck and dragged my body off him. My ass slid against the wet floor until I sat against the wood of the stall, watching blood pour in crying rivers down his flesh.
With long breaths and stretched legs, I studied his black eyes glazing into pits of nothingness.
“And in heels,” I croaked, clearing my fiery throat.
The door burst open with splintering wood chips scattering all around.
Lucca’s eyes widened when he looked down at me, and he wasn’t alone. Arlo stood right next to him, mirroring Lucca’s features.
I could only imagine how I looked under their gaze. Sitting in front of a dead body. Filthy with the same blood that decorated the bathroom walls and doors. Calm and at ease after the bloodbath I’d created.
Lucca’s hurried steps neared, and I raised my palm.
He stopped.
I stood, walked away from the dead body to retrieve my blood-soaked best friend from the floor, and straightened.
I offered Lucca a small smile, and both sets of eyes filled with alarm.
“I feel better,” I said to Lucca.
But madness still rocked me in its possessive arms.
Lucca continued to respect my wish to stay away. To give me time to compose myself. It was what I had tried to do this whole time, and never got the chance to do.
Both men followed my every step with their gaze, but Lucca roamed every inch of my body. When I faced the mirror, I understood why.
The words bloody and filthy wouldn’t be enough to describe what was staring back at me.
The sight of me was morbid. Washed in crimson filth with a busted lip, a split brow that wouldn’t stop oozing the flow of a red trickle. I stepped closer and spit the metal taste into the golden sink.