Page 192 of A War Around Us
My hand shot out when we arrived home and her body tensed under my touch. Stunned by her reaction, I pulled back.
Katia had cowered.
Dumbfounded, I stared at her delicate frame and lowered my gaze with no thought of how to proceed.
Rio exited the car, and while it ran with the air at full blast, heat spread under my skin. My hand then had a mind of its own, and wrapped by the nape of her hair, until I made her face me.
“You are afraid of me now?”
Her eyes watched me carefully, and I caught her hand movement, creeping and slithering closer to her skirt slit.
I let her go, and her hand stopped.
My God, she was fucking with my head. I couldn’t even tell if this was real, or a craft of her game. It was how far she’d swept my senses to the point that if this, us, right now was real, one of us might not make it out alive.
Me, I wouldn’t make it out alive because I had vowed to protect her. Katia would slowly rot every cell in my brain until I couldn’t think straight for our protection, and I would be the one filled with gunpowder.
I had to pull away and think straight. I was so close to ending this war, I couldn’t let it crumble before my eyes.
“The rehearsal dinner has been canceled.” I cleared my throat. “Instead, we will have a small dinner with our families tomorrow night.” Disbelief shone in her irises. “Your family will stay here tomorrow and leave after the wedding.”
Her cherry-stained lips parted, and her shoulders slumped with the news I had kept from her. I’d waited until the last moment to deliver them, knowing the impact of having her father sleeping under the same roof could mean to her. Hell, I didn’t want that man in my home either, or one of her siblings. If anything, a private dinner with both our families called for chaos.
“How long have you known?” She cleared her raspy tone.
“A month.”
“How long has Mrs. Greco known?” Her voice died at the end.
“A month.”
Katia’s eyes widened as her brows creased, and she rubbed her chest as if I’d delivered a punch but didn’t utter a word, a tone, or a whisper. Only her eyes offered her hatred.
She pulled the car door open quickly and stumbled out into the rain, and when the door bounced shut, I was alone with the silence and the havoc of my mind.
I should be goingover the wedding security with Arlo, checking all the boxes and guaranteeing no misunderstandings. I should be going over the arrival of Katia’s family tomorrow, warning everyone to expect everything and nothing at all. Instead, I heard Arlo talk circles while all my mind went over was Katia’s simmering anger.
It was unsettling. She’d held on to a farce for so long, but now that anger cracked through, it wasn’t long until her spirit would shatter and for her emotions to weep.
She was a high-heel ticking time bomb.
“Whatever you’ve done, fix it!” Viktor roared as he slung the door open in my study.
Shocked by whatever caused the abrupt entrance and the anger aimed at me, I sat perplexed by his vicious rage. He didn’t care who was inside or who he’d interrupted. Hell, he didn’t even mind that it wasme, who he raised his voice to.
Sal’s eyes shot out and his upper lip curled while Arlo smiled with crossed arms, patiently waiting for disaster.
“Careful,fratello.” I seethed.
“I don’t think so. I am done,brother.” Long steps rushed toward me, but they stopped as I stood.
“You aredone?” I questioned.
His jaw tightened. He knew he wasn’t done until death.