Page 231 of A War Around Us
His only child, dead by my hands.
And it was too late for a countermove. Because as I saw his unhinged aura, all he had left was his madness.
Seeing it, witnessing it with him wrapped around her, I felt my heart cracking. A bursting layer that shattered into dust. A black powder that once coated in smoke exploded in sulfur and carbon, like gunpowder. Leaving me open, raw,feeling.
My heart screamed in broken pumps.
It had been there, offered. Now that it could be taken, I found my biggest remorse. And it was flung before my eyes, threatened, beaten.
The woman who weakened me.
The woman who resurrected my heart into a stupor.
The woman I’d fallen savagely for.
Hold on,my eyes begged hers.
Trembles furiously shook inside, awakening my pitiless soul, wrecking my demon into homicide, and taking what was ours. To hold her, possess her, and keep her for an eternity.
“What is it that you want?”
Fuck, I would kneel. I would ridicule myself in front of my man. I would disrespect and give my crown away. My seat.
Anything I once thought mattered.
But a rule without Katia was now meaningless.
No legacy, no fight left.
I had just been too proud to see it.
“I thought I’d made it clear, now drop your gun,” Crazed black eyes spoke.
I didn’t.
He drove the gun harder, causing her head to crane to her shoulder. Her teeth shone with pain, brows deepened with closed eyes.
I tossed it.
“Now kick it!”
I watched how her eyes slowly opened, and I kicked forward.
She was so far away. Closer to the front door than to the altar facing my back.
“I mean, how many young girls had to die for you to hand her over? How selfish could you be to allow bullets meant for her into others?” Borelli wanted to be heard. He wanted to toy with guns drawn at me. My family and the Vitellis on my left with guns pointed at them, andhisto her. He finally spoke openly. “I thought maybe you would see it my way. You would understand that vows were meant to be kept. But no, you figured you were above me. You thought you deserved her more than I did. You thought your arrangement was superior to mine.All you had to do was hand her to me!”
Katia didn’t blink for too long, and when she did, it was three quick flutters. She was trying to tell me something. She wanted our eyes to speak.