Page 32 of A War Around Us
I shouldn’t have uttered a word because now I could see the hatred in his whiskey browns directed at me.
“Don’t speak of my mother.”
Simple and grim, his tone warned, and my chest tightened as I brought back the man I knew.
Heartless and brutal.
Every morning,I fought to get out of bed. Every afternoon, the energy to eat. Every night, the understanding I would be alone. I should be happy Lucca was avoiding me as much as I was him. But loneliness can bend the mind into craving a simple glance. Even from the enemy.
Today, the routine changed. My brand-new phone rang for the first time. Twisting the covers, I shifted to the nightstand and Lorenzo’s name flashed across the screen of my phone.
“Enzo,” I answered.
“I’m sorry, did I wake you?” He didn’t sound concerned.
“No. What do you need?”
I heard him pacing through the phone. It was unlike him.
“I was just…” He paused. “How are you?”
“Living my dream life.” I sat up on the bed. “What do you think,Lorenzo?!”
Yeah, shit.
“Look, Enzo, it’s too early for whatever scheme you are—”
“I just called to see how you were. To assure that you were safe.” Enzo meant it.
Safe?Did he forget who I was to marry?
“You know where I live, right?” I asked in disbelief.
“I know, I know. You are safer at Lucca's than out on your own right now.”
“What do you mean?”
“Just stay inside, and when you rebel, don’t do it alone. Okay?”
“Do not hang up.” I seethed.
The call ended.
Stronzo!I tossed my phone and left the comfort of the bed to face the day even if the house was wide awake.
Our conversation was short, and his warning slipped even in the short time we spoke. Enzo was rattled, and it settled heavily, as not many could manage such a reaction from my brother. Something had to happen. Something he hadn’t expected, something so abhorrent that he felt the need to hear my voice. Even then, it had been a reminder of the ways of a Vitelli. Our resistance, and the terrible job I’ve been doing to uphold our name. Lying in bed, taking long baths twice a day, and readingTheLaws of Architectureuntil sleep claimed me, wasn’t it. Now, my body had grown weak from the lack of movement and exercise. Weakened by a poor diet. Weakened by feelings of pity, and I’d done so at a critical time.
The threat had been loud, and I wanted answers. First, I needed Lucca’s trust, and even if my ways hadn't worked on him, a shift had to happen. For once, I had no plan, just a goal.