Page 56 of A War Around Us
His eyes lowered to my lips and down my body. When his gaze returned, he shocked me by doing what I’d asked.
Collected, he placed his hands back to the wheel, shifted gears, and sped out of the parking space. As the streets blurred by, the feeling of defeat weighed heavily inside, and I had no one to blame but myself.
Two days had passedwithout seeing Lucca. His absence was another form of punishment. I didn’t dwell, nor did I allow myself to feel anything other than indifference.
Because if I played scenarios of how the day could unfold, all the outcomes would be in my favor.
I would expect to slither through Lucca’s guarded demeanor. I would expect to grow closer to him. I would expect him to sayyesto my demands. To get the answers I sought from him. But our expectations were just dreams and often ruined by cruel reality.
Expectations were illusions that delivered disappointment and heartache. Nothing more. All because they were the root of our mind and hopes.
A fabrication.
It was all up to me. I was done trying to put my future in the hands of a man who didn’t care. It was time I acted for myself. Lucca had been clear that he didn’t want a partner, and since that day, I have stopped believing in the chance to be his.
I was fucking Katia Vitelli.
Not one man in my life fought for my well-being. Not one for my future, soIwas.
In the past two days, I’ve grown closer to Vino and Wex. Ran with them along the perimeter of the house. Lounged in the sunroom creating new home designs and spent hours sketching structural lines with them by my side. And both nights, we would sit at the wine cellar with a pint of red and a book in my hand.
Today was the third day that slipped by, but I at least had a knife on my thigh, a workout finished, and a sense of purpose, as the possibility of creating a brand by selling my floor plans to the public was something I could do inside this gilded cage.Ihad achieved what I wanted without needinghim. And I felt overjoyed, powerful to be reminded of who I was and who I could be.
Lucca might be the head of this syndicate, the boss. I, however, believed that he was the one who had forgotten who I was.
“Ms. Katia.” Talia’s soft knocks bounced at the entry of the second living room. A place no one ever entered as it was tucked deep into the corner of the house. “Dinner will be served shortly.”
“Thank you.”
“Will Mr. Moretti be joining you?” she timidly asked.
I stared into her wide eyes and said, “I doubt it.”
Talia’s lips twisted with a nod, and even after I’d given her an answer, she stood by the door casing, her thoughts keeping her from returning to her duties.
“He’s just busy, you know.” She tucked her hair back, nervous of overstepping, but her concern about my feelings was stronger than the limits set by the title I carried.
“I know,” I replied smoothly. Indifferent.
I didn’t want to share further. Her loyalty was to Lucca, her employer, and I’ve always been one to never speak about private matters.
I ran my fingers through Vino’s white coat, and her eyes fell on Vino and Wex as they sat attentively watching her.
“It’s nice to see how quickly they warmed up to you.” She smiled softly.
“I guess,” I murmured while I petted him. “They just crave attention, and I’m providing it.”
She laughed. “Nah, Ms. Katia. I’ve been around those two since they first arrived. They don’t get near anyone but Mr. Moretti or Ilias.” Her eyes lifted back to mine. “Red or white?” she asked.
“Red wine it is.” She nodded with a smile and quickly left.
I stood, and my new favorite companions mimicked me. Ready to follow my trail. Wex was the most reserved of the two while Vino usually sought my touch, but they both tagged along wherever I went. They made the loneliness easier.