Page 77 of A War Around Us
Viktor. He challenged Arlo, and I was thankful.
Arlo dismissed us by taking a large bite of his food, and the conversation resumed without me again.
I peered down and to my left where Viktor sat. When my eyes looked up, his deep blue eyes were on mine.
“Thank you,” I murmured.
With a slight nod, he smiled. “Don’t worry, he can be a pain in the ass at times.”
I let a soft chuckle slip through my nose. He wasn’t lying on that.
Arlo sneered, and Lucca’s eyes hadn’t left me all night.
Their focus now piqued my interest. Something was still bothering him, and I couldn’t wait for the time it would be just us.
“Are you working after this?” I asked low enough that only he and Viktor could hear.
Lucca’s jaw tensed, but he shook his head.
I bit back my smile and returned to playing with my dessert.
Maybe daylight wouldn’t fail me today.
I didn’t knowwhat to feel seeing Katia around my brothers.
Ilias easily accepted her. Viktor had been polite and friendly, and even while his looks were misleading as they hid his brutality, he wasn’t one to make a woman uncomfortable unless it was necessary. Working for the DEA, Viktor had become a master of body language and an expert at de-escalating situations. It worked great in my favor as Arlo’s mouth was as loose as his temper. Which brought me to Arlo. The one I would have to keep a close eye on due to his short patience and sadistic ways. Although I trusted him fully enough to know that he wouldn’t hurt her, if Katia retaliated physically, I did fear his actions and the consequences that would follow.
Katia was off limits. I’d made that clear time after time with each soldier I killed from California. But something had to change quickly because there was no stopping their rivalry and hatred for one another, and as lunch rolled by, their patience thinned.
If they were left alone, it would call for a bloodbath.
While the conversation continued, my mind played over and over Sal’s and Mario’s words. The date-less wedding and Mario’s doubt of what was already mine.
Katia was already in Miami. Her finger was claimed by a diamond meant for my future queen. Her body was still untouched, but it lay inmybed at night. In the eyes of the Mafia, Katia would be considered a damaged woman if we didn’t marry for the simple fact of her presence in my home. No one would accept a wife who’s slept in another bed as openly as I had taken her, unwed, and from her father’s home.
Hewould; Pietro Borrelli.
I shook the thought away. No use of thinking such delusions, Katia wasn’t going anywhere.
She would be my wife, therefore respected.
My eyes couldn’t slip away fromheras her delicate fingers played with her spoon and the homemade pastry in slow circles on her plate. Captivated by its mess, Katia watched with straight shoulders, her mind far from the banter that spread around the table. She would smile when needed, nod at the right time, and even chuckle softly when necessary. Katia knew how to present the perfect lie, but her poise was striking, as if she belonged in this city and at this table in a tight dark green dress that sculpted her body and showcased her neck and shoulders by its hanging sleeves.
So much skin, so much temptation her radiant skin oozed.
Thirst parched my mouth as the sight of her tongue slipping and wetting her bottom lip unconsciously captivated me before her teeth trapped the corner of her bottom lip. Her makeup was light, a natural look that allowed her features to glow with her undeniable beauty, but her lips kept the deep red stain only I’d seen on her.
Katia released her lip, and I stared at the remaining wetness left over.
I was losing my mind in the whirlwind game of desire. Finding a way to control the hunger and the chaos erupting all around was a feature I had to master.
But when she asked if I was working after lunch and I shook my headno, controlling hunger would be the toughest task as I saw her reaction of delight in her features.