Page 42 of Twisted Road
“Alright, get me up to speed.”
The Dullahans have so many criminal activities going it leaves my head spinning. I make a mental list and plan to go over all the points with Liam later tonight. Then maybe I can finally cry about dad.
I bang the gavel on the table. “I have one last issue we need to talk about. We are going to continue business as usual for the O’Connors. And don’t fucking start with me. One of you assholes picked a fight with Boston’s most powerful family.”
Groans fill the room.
Except for Gus, he nods sagely. “That’s right, boys. Someone here went rogue, and we’re all paying the price for it. Which is fine. We back each other up.”
“We do, but I need the name of the person who killed Jack O’Connor.”
“What the fuck?”
“I vote we fight the O’Connors.”
I slam my hand against the wood table. “There will be no suicide missions against the Irish mob. We can either give up the person or persons responsible or the O’Connors are going to kill off random bikers.”
Caine has never explicitly said that, but I know it’s his next move because it’s what I would do.
“Alright, boys,” Gus rumbles. “Who did it? Time to ‘fess up to the boss lady.”
Suspicious glances are exchanged followed by a string of denials.
“None of you?” I demand.
Again, every one of them denies it.
I gape. “Are you saying not a single Dullahan is involved in this?”
“Not a one,” Gus confirms. “If anyone here had anything to do with it, they’d confess. We protect the club before ourselves.”
It seems absurd from an outside perspective, but I know it’s true. Outlaw bikers have their own code of honor. The one thing no one except the lowest kind of rat would do is screw over their own club.
“Alright. Then do we know who it could be? I doubt the O’Connors are just going to take our word for it.”
“Could be anyone.”
“The Irish have a lot of enemies.”
I repress a groan. There’s no way I’m revealing how bad this is to them. I don’t know what Caine will do, but I know I have to take him out before he can kill us. I just need to pick up one thing from home first.
Chapter 25
I should feel powerful and be riding high after successfully taking over the Dullahans. Instead, I’m running on fear and desperation. I don’t know how my dad would feel about me taking over the Dullahans, even temporarily. I hope he’d be proud, but he might have been furious. If I destroy the Dullahans, his legacy in a matter of hours — I can’t bear the thought. Dad worked his entire life to make the Dullahans the most feared biker gang in Boston. I can’t let that be for nothing. I have to be strong. I have to do what’s right for the club, no matter what it costs me personally.
The Dullahans can’t take on the O’Connors, but I have to do something before they’re all killed. There’s just no way Caine’s going to believe the Dullahans had nothing to do with Jack’s murder.
Thanksforthecompactbow,dad, I think. Mom said it was the world’s worst birthday gift for a ten-year-old. She’s probably right, but if she saw the mess I’m in, I think she’d come around.
Caine’s in the study when I return to the house.
“Well?” Caine asks. He still hasn’t looked up from his laptop. Good, then he won’t see the bow until it’s too late.