Page 9 of Christmas with Saint
I felt myself getting worked up, just thinking about the way she used to tease me. I’d jerked off to thoughts of her so many times in the shower that I thought I might rip my dick clean off.
Her mouth dropped open. “But you never said a thing. And you never looked anywhere, except my eyes,” she shouted, pointing at her eyeballs with two fingers.
“Oh, yes, I did. You just never caught me.” I let her know that everything she’d believed since we had been kids was basically a lie. “But your brother did.”
Her mouth snapped shut. “Davey.” She said his name like it tasted bad in her mouth. “What happened?”
“The night of your date, I couldn’t keep my eyes off you, and I was so fucking jealous that I couldn’t even speak clearly.”
She let out a soft laugh. “I actually remember that.” She shook her head. “You were talking gibberish before I left the house, right?”
“Yeah. Your brother called me out. Told me to stay the hell away from you or I wasn’t welcome in your home anymore.”
I nodded. “Then, he made me promise that I’d never touch you. Ever. In my entire life.”
Ivy threw her head back in disbelief and understanding. The two concepts crashed into her at the same time. I’d had years to reconcile this notion in my head, but she was just learning about it.
“And you agreed to that promise?” Her head cocked to the side, and I watched as her long blonde hair fell around her shoulders.
“I had to.”
“Because you thought you’d lose everyone if you didn’t.”
She completely understood what her family had always meant to me. Ivy got me without my having to overexplain it.
“I did have my fingers crossed behind my back when I made it though, so maybe it doesn’t count.”
That made her laugh loudly. “Oh, that definitely voids it. Everyone knows that.”
“I want you to know that I tried to think of ways to be with you and not piss off your brother, but he still brings up that damn promise, even now.”
“What? Why?” She sounded ridiculously surprised. “We’re grown adults. We can do whatever we want. Why does he even care so much about who I date? You’d think he’d want me to date someone like you.”
“I think it’s because he knows.”
“Knows what?”
“That I’ve always wanted to be with you. But we made an agreement. And I feel like he’s making me follow through on it for some reason.”
“But that doesn’t make any sense,” she complained. “Also, can you please take off that costume? I’m over trying to have a serious conversation with Santa Claus.”
I started immediately stripping out of the puffy jacket and oversize pants. The clothes I had on underneath were drenched in a layer of sweat. Being Santa was hard work.
“Ivy, I could use a shower.” I pulled the white T-shirt from my body, showing her how wet it was, before I let it snap back to my chest with a slap.
Her eyes were looking everywhere but into mine, and I knew she still had questions. Hell, she probably had twelve years’ worth of them.
“What is it?” I asked, and she looked at me with what looked like embarrassment in her eyes.
“I have clothes you can wear,” she said.
Jealousy burned red hot through my veins. I tried to swallow, but my throat was dry.
“I’m not wearing some other dude’s clothes,” I snapped a little too harshly, but I was irrationally pissed. The thought of any other man touching her made me vicious.