Page 21 of Against My Fire
I didn’t think twice about rushing over to him. They needed me and I wasn’t going to abandon them. I phoned Luke on the way and he said that he will let the others know.
Everyone was there to help search for little Taylor. A lot of the people I didn’t know but they know Jaxon and they are here to support him. I can’t say that I wasn’t jealous of the beautiful brunette that pulled him away from me to talk to him. She was reassuring him and comforting him. She calmed him down with her words. I haven’t met her, but She knows Jaxon and he is comfortable with her. That was the reason I left without saying anything. I wanted to find Taylor and make sure that he is safe.
The ladies with me tried to reassure me that we will find him and that he is safe. Abi Campbell helped with the tracking and made me realize that Taylor isn’t at our special place. I have no idea where he could be.
My phone rings and I answer it. “They found him.” Logan's voice comes across the phone before I can answer. My knees buckle as reality sinks in. They found him. The tears stream down my face as the relief sets in. Our little man is safe… No, Jaxon’s son is safe. Abi and Shelby help me up and I run back to the house after they told me to go. They will be there soon. I didn’t even hang up the phone. The lady that comforted Jaxon took it from me when my knees gave in.
Jaxon stands between a few guys with Taylor in his arms as I make it to the house. My tears haven’t stopped running since they told me that he was found. Jaxon’s tear-filled eyes meet mine and he whispers something to Taylor whose head shoots up as he searches. Jaxon puts him down and points to me before Taylor runs over to me and jumps into my arms.
The relief I felt when holding him in my arms is something I can’t explain. I can’t explain how much this little boy means to me. I kiss him all over his face. That earns me giggles from him as he hugs my neck tightly. I feel arms come around me and from the spark I feel, I know it’s Jaxon without even needing to look. He kisses the top of my head before kissing the top of Taylor’s head.
“Never do that to me again…” I whisper into Taylor’s ear and he nods.
“I promise.” He kisses my cheek before putting his arm around Jaxon’s neck. He squeezes the two of us together. “Uncle Logan will take me with him tonight.”
I shake my head holding Taylor closer to my chest. “No, I can’t let you go tonight. I promise Daddy and I will talk tomorrow.” I am pleading with both Jaxon and Taylor. I don’t want to let Taylor out of my sight.
“I agree. We can make a Christmas bed in the living room and all of us can watch movies and sleep there tonight.” Jaxon offers and Taylor’s eyes light up.
“Yes!” He hugs the both of us before Logan comes over taking him out of our arms. He waves as he goes to talk to the other people that helped us.
“Jaxon, I told you everything will be alright.” That lady says as she puts her hand on his arm. I take a step back from him, but he pulls me back to his side.
“That you did Carmen.” He looks down at me before looking back at Carmen. “Carmen this is Bentley…” He meets my eyes. “My girlfriend.” Carmen squeals before she pulls me out of his arms and hugs me.
“It’s so nice to meet you. Taylor is lucky to have both of you. I told Jaxon that this will not reflect badly on him. I am not here to take Taylor away from him.” She explains and I look at her confused. “I’m the social worker that is on Jaxon’s case.” Now I get why he was calm after talking to her. He has been worried about them taking Taylor away from him even before Taylor was here. “And I have to say, you are good for Taylor. He loves his dad, but he loves you too. I can see it.” She rubs my arm before she turns back to the group.
Jaxon pulls me away from everyone and I look up at him. “I didn’t mean that I don’t trust you. I am sorry for what I said. I just… I got scared. That I was going to lose you and I fucked things up. I don’t want to even imagine what life will be like without you. I don’t want Taylor to have to grow up without you.” He cups my face in his hands and I melt at the sincerity in his eyes. “I love you, Bentley Cruz.” I swallow as I look up at him.
“You love me?” My voice is low and a little unsure.
“I do. I love you so fucking much that I can’t sleep without you. You are part of my heart and I lost it when you were here.” He leans down kissing my lips softly and I can’t help but chuckle slightly.
“I love you too. Both of you. I don’t want to imagine what my life will be like without you and Taylor.” He crashes his lips against mine. We still have to talk about Patrick, but for now, I am his and only his. I want to spend my night with my guys and deal with Patrick tomorrow.
Cheers erupt around us as we pull away. Taylor hugs my leg and Jaxon bends down to pick him up. “We have our lady back, buddy.” Taylor claps his hands in excitement. He is such a happy little man. To think that Jaxon and I were the ones that hurt him enough for him to want to run away.
Jaxon and I thank everyone for helping with the search and they all head out back to their lives, while we head inside to get comfortable and spend the night just being us.
Chapter Twenty
? Jaxon ?
I don’t want the last few days over. I don’t want to go through the pain of losing my son and my girl ever again. I was a jerk for not listening to her. For not even giving her a chance to tell me her side of the story. I believed assholes I didn’t even know, just because they gave me photos, which by the way was fake as hell.
I can’t believe I let my past dictate my future. I have to thank Luke for opening my eyes and Logan. I was afraid he might cut off my dick if I didn’t fix things with Bentley.
I snuggle behind her back as she lays with her arm over Taylor. I have my arm over both of them. I need to keep the two loves of my life close to me. I am never letting them go again. Bentley pushes her gorgeous ass into my already hard dick.
I kiss the side of her neck. “Good Morning Beautiful.”She leans into me leaving a small space between her and Taylor.
“Shh… we are sleeping.” I chuckle against her neck as she turns to lie on her back. With her eyes still closed I lean over and kiss her lips.
“Logan will be here shortly. He is watching Taylor until Mrs. Richards gets here. You and I are going for a ride.” I pull her closer to me and she opens those beautiful blue eyes of hers.
She brings her hand up to touch my cheek. “Where are we going?” She rubs her thumb on my cheek and I draw small circles on her stomach.
“Go get dressed and I will show you.” She jumps up without waking Taylor and dashes into my room. She left clothes here the last time she was here so she has something to wear on days she sleeps over. I lightly wake Taylor up. He stretches as he yawns and turns towards me. “Uncle Logan is going come to watch you. I need to talk to Bentley.”