Page 103 of Say You'll Stay
“Your dad would have caught me sticking a note in your back pocket or something, maybe touching your ass at our neighboring lockers. He would have given me hell and then told me to have you home by whatever ridiculous curfew he set. He would have threatened me silently with the idiotic no sex rule, and I would have broken that rule with you probably on the third date. Or before he found out about us.”
She laughs, and it’s like believing she and I are never growing older, just existing together.
“You have it all figured out.” She shakes her head and looks to the other end of the classroom, but I’m just watching her. “You’re an odd one, Lucas Kennedy.”
“Mr. Hoover… What’s his name?”
“Mr. Hoover,” she says. “That’s it. No first name. He’s an older gentleman that wears a suit and tie every day. Carries a briefcase and never uses a computer.”
“Why the hell was this your favorite class?”
I definitely would have cheated off of her in this class then.
“He told history like a story and made it interesting. He also was hilarious and gave us interesting assignments rather than just reading the textbook. We had partner projects all the time and had to present. It was fun.”
“Who was your partner?”
“His name was—”
“I’ll kill him.”
“Shut up, Lucas,” she slaps my arm. “Victor was very nice to me and did his part.”
Oh, I bet he was. Probably getting close to her, looking down her damn shirt.
“Before that mess of jealous thoughts in your head turn you into a caveman, you should probably think about your own partner projects and whatever you did with other girls.”
“It’s different.” I didn’t sleep with any of them because they were not the least bit interesting to me. Allie is the most interesting person on the planet, and whatever chance Victor may have thought he had, is grounds for a late ass kicking.
Every Victor is now a suspect, and I’ll be perusing her yearbook later to narrow it down.
“It’s not different, Lucas. You don’t get to be jealous of a guy when you’ve been with however many people you’ve been with, all while knowing you’re the only one that’s been there with me. You don’t get to be that person.”
“You know what?” She squeals when I throw her over my shoulder and head for this Hoover guy’s desk in the back. If he’s the cool old teacher, he’ll probably be cool with this if he walks in. Or not, but what a way to meet the guy if it happens.
His desk is empty on the top, and before I set her down on her feet, I find it. Every teacher has one, even if they don’t need it. Tom has three.
“Lucas, what are you doing?”
Her ass is right here next to me and her red flowery dress isn’t too tight. I flip the skirt part up and kiss the side of her hip closest to me. She’s so soft.
“What are you—ah!” She turns to me with surprise in her eyes, but the corner of her mouth curls just a little in my favor. “What the hell is that for?”
“You can’t tell me not to feel jealous, Allie, because I’m jealous as hell right now.” Not entirely, but this is fun. She hisses when the ruler comes down on her once more before I drop it. “Now,” I slowly bend her over the desk, relishing her heavy breathing. She’s nervous, but curious at the same time.
“Lucas, we can’t do this in here.”
“Sure we can.” I kneel behind her and rub the spot it landed on and follow with a kiss. “Just be quiet and no one will hear.”
She tenses up. “Someone will—”
“Not if you’re quiet.” I bite my lip, staring straight ahead. “You knew this would happen.” But apart from me telling her, since she needs to mentally prepare for everything, I now need to know why she made a certain decision. “Care to explain?”
“Well, you weren’t exactly subtle about it, so I decided against panties to see what you would do,” she says.
There’s a powerful shiver running down my spine at that. I was going to tease her, but fuck it.