Page 117 of Say You'll Stay
“I had three sips and got distracted by the beautiful girl wearing a red dress in front of me.”
Allie’s cheeks burn a dark shade of pink, and she covers her face.
“What were you thinking about?” I consider making a detour into an empty ballroom as we pass and putting her to her knees, but I’ll save it for when I get her home and in my bed where she belongs.
We pass several people deep in their conversations. Allie checks around before whispering in my ear. “I was wondering if you had any other plans for us tonight. It sounds like you have the entire night planned, Lucas.”
We step out the front door, and I hand the valet the ticket for my car. Allie shivers and I drop my jacket over her shoulders before pulling her into me.
“Yeah, I have some ideas.”
“Where are we going?” I ask.
Lucas has had his hand on my thigh since we got into his car. His warm hold is comforting to me. It almost feels like a familiar touch at this point.
We aren’t driving toward his house and I thought I was pretty clear when I said I wanted to go home with him. Did he think I meant my home?
“You’ll see,” Lucas says. He keeps his eyes on the road ahead of us.
Lucas turns down a dirt path and I can’t remember if I’ve been down this road or not before. It’s too dark to tell. That cautious part of my brain is screaming red flags and serial killer alerts, but that’s not Lucas. He loves me and I’m probably not thinking clearly after the strange high I had back at the dinner.
I hope someone enjoys my salad.
“Can I ask you something, Allie?”
“Hmm?” I’m in a strange haze. I can’t keep the smile off my face and I keep feeling the urge to giggle like an idiot. Meanwhile, the soaked underwear under my dress is getting uncomfortable and I want to take them off.
Hopefully Lucas will do that soon.
“Do you still have feelings for Ted?”
That’s not what I was expecting. “No.” The idea that Ted and Mark have something going on and after everything Ted said about Jadon, I couldn’t stomach his face, much less harbor feelings for him.
“If he came up to you and said he wanted to marry you and all that, would you go with him?”
Is he doubting me right now? “Lucas, I want to be with you. I don’t want to be with him or anyone else, for that matter.”
He sighs and smiles while looking ahead of us. The relief is clear on his face. “Okay.” He squeezes my thigh gently. “If he were to say I did something against you or try to make me look like a deadbeat—”
“Lucas.” I take his hand and kiss his fingers. “No matter what, he lied to me. He sat in that hospital room and pretended that he cared about finding the person responsible for my accident.”
I still hate thinking about the accident. Truthfully, I wish he would just let it go. It’s pointless and I hate remembering Jadon in intensive care with all the tubes and cords.
Lucas slows the car to a crawl and clicks my seatbelt.
“Come here.” He pulls me to his side and rests his arm around my shoulders.
Lucas lets me fumble with his radio until I find a music station that plays older songs. They’re the kind my dad loves to listen to at home.
“I’ve been thinking lately,” he says.
“You’ve been thinking?” I joke, but he pinches my arm.
“Do you have plans for the New Year?”