Page 140 of Say You'll Stay
I groan, pressing my palm to the tender spot on my head. “What, Jadon?” How much shit are we really in? Lucas will not get here in time and know what direction we’re going. That, plus I no longer have my phone with that handy location tracking thing in it.
My only reasonable option is to take Jadon and run wherever we are going. We will run when Ted isn’t looking and I will hide until I can get us connected to a phone. That’s my plan.
Plan B is to scream when we are in public.
When I turn around to face him, his face is painted with fear. I know he’s afraid and trying to be brave about this, although he doesn’t need to be. So, I don’t smile, but I school my expression. I need to be strong here.
“You and I are going to be okay.”
“Your nose is bleeding, Mommy.”
I dab my finger on the spot, and Ted watches me examine the blood on my finger. More of it drips down to my lip. His eyes scream petty apologies, but I can’t accept them. “I didn’t mean to hit you, Allie.”
Just like he didn’t mean to bruise my arms or leave me stranded in the city alone at night. There is a pattern forming here. I always complied with whatever he wanted, so he never behaved this way. There was no way to know he would act out like this had I not strayed from his and Mark’s perfect plans for me.
“Where are you taking us?”
Vivian crosses her arms from where she stands in the driveway and watches us with an impassive gaze like we are of no consequence to her.
“Viv got us tickets to the Caribbean for a few weeks until they get everything settled for us.”
Clearly, Vivian and Mark are not on the same page since he only just warned us to leave. Unless that was his plan all along. Scare me into leaving the safety of work and do exactly this.
Screeching tires and the sight of Lucas leaping out of my dad’s car are the heroic entrance we needed right now.
“Oh, fuck no,” Ted grumbles. Ted peels out of the driveway and wets his lips when we come face-to-face with Lucas in the street.
He looks terrified. I know his chest is pounding as hard as mine right now.
“Daddy!” Jadon kicks my seat. “Mommy, look! He’s here!”
Lucas and I lock eyes, and a new fear creeps up my spine when Ted chuckles.
“Allie, you choose now,” he says through a grin. Ted revs the engine.
Lucas points and says something while shaking his head in a warning.
“You either come with me willingly, or Lucas-fucking-Kennedy leaves the neighborhood in an ambulance. Can’t do anything for you if his legs don’t work.”
There it is. That’s what I feared. It’s been territorial since the first day and now Ted has the upper hand.
Jadon struggles in the back behind us and screams when Ted slams his foot on the gas.
“Three...” The engine gradually rolls into a loud purr, threatening Lucas three houses away.
“Ted, stop!” We speed past the first house and the rush of fear and adrenaline surge through me like electric shocks.
I keep my eyes on Lucas. He’s really going to hit him. “Fine! Okay!”
Lucas’ eyes are wide saucers just before Ted speeds around him. He reaches for my handle, but it slips out of reach before Ted turns the corner. The force of the turn sends me sideways, and I hit the window near the same tender spot on my head.
Jadon screams and cries for Lucas in the back while Ted speeds down the road and out of the neighborhood. His driving has always been on the safer side, but right now, it’s pointed all the way to the erratic side.