Page 145 of Say You'll Stay
“Charity...” My eyes well up and I don’t know what to say or do.
“Allie, you need to relax. Listen, it’s Lucas Kennedy. He’s going to be fine, I just know it. You can cry right now, but when you go in that room with your son there, you need to keep it together, okay?”
I nod, and another wave of pain hits me. Charity notices and pushes a button on something. “Just calling the nurse. They said to let them know when you wake up.”
A young, chipper blond barbie doll saunters into the room wearing forest green scrubs, which magically look good on her since she’s an obviousglamazon. “Allie,” she smiles. “You’re awake.”
No duh. “What’s going on with Lucas? When will he wake up?”
She blinks and checks me over. “Let’s talk about you.”
I’d rather not. “My head hurts and I’m fine.”
She messes with the tube things behind me. This girl addresses me with one of those disgustingly sweet voices I use when I talk to people on the phone for work. The customer service voice. “No concussion that the doctor could tell, but you had a panic attack.” She lifts my arm to show me what looks like a stitch job. “You had a pretty deep cut across your forearm. But ultimately, we wanted to monitor the head bump tonight.”
I thought they weren’t supposed to let someone sleep if they possibly had a concussion. They must be terrible doctors here. Or maybe I just don’t know anything.
“I asked you about Lucas.”
Nurse... her name badge says Addie. Of course, it’s something cute. That’s such a nurse's name and I hate it.
Wow, I hit my head and woke up as a grumpy person.
“Lucas Kennedy,” she sighs. I don’t like it. “He and I went to high school together, actually.” I especially don’t like it now because I know what that means if she can manage a dreamy smile when she says his name like that.
Addie pats my hand and wrinkles her lips like she pities me. “It’s a family matter, sweetie. You’re not family, I understand, so I can’t give out patient information.”
I hate her.
“She and Lucas have a son together,” Charity swoops in like my guardian angel. “They live together,sweetie. You can share anything since Allie jockeys his man stick on the regular and he’ll use his heroics from today as an excuse to plant another baby up her v-hole.”
In any other situation, I’d bury my face with embarrassment. However, Addie has information and doesn’t want to share. Also, my head still hurts, so I can’t just bury it without more waves of pain.
Addie’s mouth parts open like she wants to say something, then snaps shut.
“It’s fine,” I say. “Charity, we can just talk to his parents.”
Addie finishes checking whatever she needs to check and mentions something about a doctor coming by soon. I don’t care. I’m fine. It would be nice if they would take the tube needle thing and remove the other crap they have attached to me so I can get out of this damn bed.
When she leaves, Charity waits until the coast is clear to laugh. “Did you see her face?”
Yes, I saw everything. I don’t have trust issues as far as Lucas is concerned, so that nurse can go use that flirty smile somewhere else. “Charity, what else is going on?”
She groans. “Fuck, okay. Vivian... yeah, jail tomorrow. My idiot brother has a lot of breaks. He busted his jaw, has a broken neck, and lost some teeth.” Charity snickers. “It’s bad timing, but I wonder if the dudes in prison will appreciate the gum action.”
I’m not impressed. “That’s all you have? Gum action?”
She smacks my leg. “Anyway, the cops looked in the rental car. Found some incriminating shit.” She stretches her arms and sighs. “They arrested Mark, though he already made bail, so that sucked. I went into my brother’s place and found a box with lots of emails between my brother and a mysterious person named MV There’s a hard drive, too.”
Charity points to the chair beside her where the box is sitting. It has a lid and a label on the side that saysOffice Stuff. “This hospital is infested with those uniform assholes, and I’m waiting it out until there’s at least a sexy cop that could be mistaken as a stripper dressed as a cop. Then I’ll hand it over. I’m sure it’s evidence of some sort that will hurt my brother, but help my best friend who did nothing wrong.”
“Is this a dream? First, I find out Mark wants me gone, then he threatens me. I find out he’s my father and then he paid off someone to give his wife medical treatment so my mom would die. What’s next?”
My life feels like a soap opera. Next, there will be a new ultra-dramatic drop, and everything will crash once again.
I just want to make fancy vegan tacos and serve them at parties along with coconut ice cream. And I want to take Jadon shopping for a Halloween costume three times when he gets bored with his first two costumes that I buy way too early. Then, I want to go to that snow cabin thing Lucas mentioned and make snowmen or see a moose.