Page 152 of Say You'll Stay
Allie is still fidgeting, so I take her hands and set them in my lap. Instantly, she sighs and relaxes.
After I got released from the hospital, we took a month off to recover. Allie had to start her last semester of school during that time, and seeing the pressure she was under, I convinced her to do something for herself. She quit her job so she could work on the business she’s building with Charity and finish her damn degree.
Yes. The answer is yes. She was freaking out about it and didn’t like the idea of a single income between two people not married. She was afraid we would wind up on daytime court television, but it’s us and a few arguments later, she saw it for what it was: her time to focus on her goals. It’s not a complete break from life, and it doesn’t make up for the past few years. She was busy being an adult and a single mother, but she gets to do this for herself and I’m supporting it.
It’s amazing seeing her focus on herself more. She’s more relaxed and easygoing. The downside is no fun times at work. At least we got to have one good day in her favorite teacher’s classroom. Who knows? Maybe she’ll cater for the junior prom and I’ll need to show her my favorite classroom.
Tom is still recovering, but he’s getting around, sort of. Belinda, his girlfriend, has been helping him through his own recovery. He’ll be back to work in a week. He’s left the football team and will only do basketball starting now, so it’ll be a change of pace for him. A good one.
John apologized profusely for trying to fire him because of his confrontation with Mark. I lost some respect for John, but when he apologized to Tom and Tom could let it go, I did, too. Tom said he wouldn’t be showing his daughter or grandson a decent character if they couldn’t forgive people for falling for someone’s silvery tongue. That I can respect. Mark was glitz and glamor and it’s understandable how people fall for that million-dollar smile and whatever promises he may have made. Mark tried to make commitments with me occasionally, promising some lavish lifestyle if I worked for him, but it wasn’t what I wanted.
“And you have pleaded guilty to the charges before you. Today you will receive your sentence.”
Ted stands beside his lawyer up front in his jumpsuit that he’ll be in for the foreseeable future. It pairs well with his growing beard that’s poorly covering the bruises still on his face.
I keep imagining him with that weapon on her. Grabbing her arm in her office, leaving her in the city at night, all alone. When Allie first told me about the things he said and did while he had them in that car, I almost broke out of the hospital and into the jail just to wail on him all over again. But my shoulder would probably physically tear itself from my body and crawl away if I put it through anymore shit. Apparently, I need more physical therapy for it, so Joel and I are working on it together.
Ted is not getting a life sentence, I’m sure, but he’s not walking free today. They’re not dropping the charges. Ted will do time and eventually find himself on parole. Meanwhile, he can learn to knit scarves and read some books or whatever else they do in prison.
Vivian has the attempted murder charges, the hit and runs, driving without a valid state license, and the list goes on. She’s going to be in for the long haul. If they can find information about the bribery with the medical study Tom mentioned, the case will continue to drag on for her.
Mark is different. I’m hoping everything adds up to the next century for him, even though he’s surrounded by his entire legal team. Joel and the boys on the prosecution team have been digging shit up daily and the more they find, the more charges they’re holding against him. Joel thinks Mark will end up with a federal investigation pretty soon.
Who the hell knows? It’s legal shit I don’t really get and don’t care to understand unless they’re saying “guilty” and how long the assholes are not walking free in the world. My life is football and my little family, not navigating the legal system. A federal investigation would be interesting, and he’d be in court for years, probably.
I don’t think an FBI agent has ever been to this little town, if that’s what Joel means by federal investigation. I couldn’t see that happening.
Kat fled the country when her parents were arrested. I’m sure she’ll turn up soon enough. She didn’t break any laws beforehand, as far as I know. But if her trust fund is still working, it’ll run out soon enough and she’ll need more money. Unless that was frozen.
“I understand you wish to make a statement?”
Allie squeezes my hand nervously in my lap. Charity is on her other side, biting down on her nails while Ted’s parents sit on the far side. Charity and Ted’s mom has been in tears over everything. She’s mostly just disappointed in her son. Ted’s father is also upset, staring ahead, probably wondering where he went wrong. He did nothing wrong, from what Allie and Charity have said about their home life. Their daughter turned out eccentric, but Charity has a big heart and is a good person. She’s proof enough that they did nothing wrong.
Ted is escorted to the witness stand beside the judge and I can’t help but picture some pink power suit marching in the court yelling “Objection!” dramatically because Allie wanted to watchLegally Blondelast night to prepare herself for today.
Ted takes a seat, and I stretch an arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer to me. She keeps her hands on my thigh and leans against my shoulder. Ted sounds like a robot when he opens his mouth.
“I want to apologize to my parents. Mom, Dad, I’m sorry that I disappointed you with my actions. My heart was in the wrong place and I know what I’ve done was wrong. I will work on myself with the time I’m given.”
Allie’s palms feel warm through my pants. Her focus on Ted is intense. Not because of a connection, I know that. Not something that would make me insecure. She’s lost a lifelong friend and one she thought was going to marry. She held a high opinion of the guy and turns out he didn’t care about her or Jadon the way she thought.
It’s a heartbreaking disappointment on her end and I understand her for it.
“Hey,” I whisper against her ear. I didn’t realize we were in for a long ass list of apologies Ted is making known today. She slowly tears her gaze away from him and up to me. Her usually bright green eyes look lifeless. “Let’s play a game.”
Allie frowns. “We’re in court,” she whispers.
“No one can hear us. Let’s set a date. For the wedding.”
Allie blinks. “Can it wait? We’re in a trial thingy.”
“This isn’t a trial. He’s pleading guilty. We already know what’s going to happen to him.”
Allie opens and slams her mouth shut. She takes a few breaths, glances up at the court while Ted drones about an apology to his sister. When she looks back at me, she’s clearly thinking about it. “Two years. Let’s do it in two years.”
Oh, fuck no. “Next weekend,” I counter.
Her eyes nearly pop out of her head. “Have you—“