Page 157 of Say You'll Stay
“Relax, Allie, he’s dressed. Joel has the rings, and he’s setting them in the little satin pillow thing. Your dad just finished helping Jadon get dressed while mine is trying to stop getting overly emotional. We are all good and ready for this shindig to start and also…” Lucas lowers his voice. “Did you get my present?”
I search the room for a gift but don’t notice anything. “What present?”
“Check outside your door.”
Charity jumps to her feet and rushes to the door. “Oh, Lucas fucking Kennedy. What did you get her, you naughty man?” Charity digs in and pulls out a pair of black pumps that are more her style. I couldn’t wear them because I’m not one of those girls.
“Lucas, I don’t know about those shoes.” The heels look like they could stab someone in the eye.
“You’re walking around in the same damn shoes, just a different color. You can wear those.”
Charity digs in the bag again and I see a definitehell nocoming out of it. “Lucas!”
“Damn, Allie!” Charity gapes at the thing. “You know what? If you don’t want it, I’ll wear it. Lucas can even look if he wants, since he paid for it. No touching, though.”
“It’s fine, Charity,” Lucas says. “She’ll wear it tomorrow.”
“Damn,” she shakes her head and I just feel at a loss.
“I hope we’re going somewhere no one will know us, Lucas. I would be mortified if someone saw me in that.” If anything, he will probably make me wear it in private. He won’t tell me where this destination honeymoon is, but I’m hoping it is far away and free from civilization, so no one will see me in that thing that is definitely not made for the likes of me.
“You’re going to wear it tomorrow night and you’ll find out why they call me Lucas fucking Kennedy.”
“Lucas! Jadon and my dad are right there with you!”
“No one can hear me, Allie. Calm yourself.”
“You and Charity, I swear. Maybe we should switch partners like those swing dancers. Joel and I are the reasonable ones here.”
“We’re not partners, Allie! Stop shipping me with the asshole!”
Lucas laughs on the other end. “You’re not going anywhere.” I can hear that Lucas Kennedy confidence oozing from his voice. “There’s something in that bag for you for today, though.”
I dig into the bag until I see a small black velvet pouch with the top cinched. “What’s this?”
“Something old. Or borrowed. If you need one.”
There’s a delicate silver chain inside with a simple diamond pendant at the bottom. “This is beautiful. Who am I borrowing it from?”
“It was my mom’s,” he says. “My dad gave it to her as a wedding present and I’m giving it to you. I guess that means something old then, since you are keeping it.”
There’s an ache in my chest I only get on special occasions. I never got to have a mom there for the major events in my life or even just the everyday mundane things. Belinda is terrific and I’m happy my dad has her, but sometimes I wish my mom were here. Lucas’ too.
“Allie? Are you alright?”
I can barely contain the tears and nearly choke, but I hold them down. “Yeah, I’m okay.”
“You want me to come see you?”
He’s too sweet and knows it. “No. The necklace is beautiful, Lucas. Thank you.” I glance at the time. We have an hour before we need to be down in the garden. “I can’t wait to see you.”
Lucas is quiet on the other end for a few beats until there’s a knock on the door. “You think you can open the door and find my hand without seeing me?”
“Allie, quit crying. You’ll mess up your makeup.” Charity takes my phone and the necklace for me while I hurry to crack open the door.
“Mommy, let me in.”
Charity holds my dress up for me while I open the door wide enough for Jadon to slip through. His little black suit and silver bowtie look perfect, and he is a tiny version of his father.