Page 26 of Say You'll Stay
I rub my eyes, trying to not groan externally to keep this argument as short as possible. “Kat,” I say, approaching her, “I’m listening to you.”
There is a process to calm her down, and it has to be done right.
“It’s tough out there, but you gotta start thinking about what you want to do with your life. Start thinking about if you want to go back to school and try again or if you want to just go get a job. He’s right that you need to act more responsibly.” Him offering her a job in his office would be the easiest gig for her, too. She wouldn’t have responsibilities and he’d set her up with an office while she orders new shoes.
I kiss her shoulders while rubbing my hands down her arms, slowly taking the drink from her hand. Turning her around and leaning her onto the counter and interlocking my fingers around her back, usually slows her down.
“If you want to go to school and study whatever interests you, do it. If you want to just go out and work to show your dad you can be a responsible adult, do that. Don’t just stand here and be mad about it because then who wins? Who is the one sitting around angry rather than just living their life?”
She sighs and rests her forehead on my shoulder. “Me.”
“That’s right. You just need to spend some time figuring out what you want and then go for it. Okay?” She nods. “Whatever it is, I’ll support you all the way. Whether you need moral support or someone to drive you to work or whatever, I’d be more than happy to do so.”
I kiss her on the lips and hold her for a few minutes until she’s calm. That does the trick. My phone pings with a text, but since Kat hates me being on my phone around her, I’m just going to ignore it for the time being.
“You want to watch one of your shows in bed?” Distraction will help her. “Go put something on and I’ll get us something to drink.”
She heads off to the bedroom while I grab a couple glasses of water to take to the bedroom. My phone pings again, and it’s my dad asking if I’ll call him. He answers on the first ring.
“Hey Lucas, we’re coming home for a few weeks and wanted to see that you were good with us staying at the house?”
“That’s awesome! When will you be here?” It’s been too long since I saw him last.
“Wow, that’s sudden.” But perfect timing, actually.
“We decided today, so that’s why I’m calling you now.”
“Alright, well, I’ll be here after six. I have news too, but I’ll wait until you’re here.” I can picture his face now. The excitement will be priceless. He’s going to love Jadon and Allie.
“Okay, sounds good. Oh, how’s the job? Greenfield going hard on you?”
That’s an understatement. “Yeah, he’s great. He’s a good guy and is crazy about his family.”
“Oh yeah, how’s that daughter of his?”
“You mean Allie?” How does he know her?
“Yeah! She had an accident and needed help to pick out a new car.”
Small world, I guess. “Yeah, she’s good. She works at the school actually and Tom brings her kid to work all the time.”And that kid is your grandchild.
“Oh, that’s nice. Well, anyway, I’ll call you when we’re close.”
We hang up, and a tension builds in my shoulders. It’s a lot to take in this fast, and I wonder how this will work in the long run between everyone.
Kat is already settled in bed with one of her modeling shows on by the time I get in.
“Here you go.” I hand over her water and some painkillers for the headache she’ll have in the morning.
“Thanks!” She rips them from my hands and leans over for me to kiss her cheek.
As she watches girls being judged on how well they waltzed down a runway and the drama between each of the contestants, I stare at the wall behind the television. She often tries to explain the drama to me, but I really don’t care. So long as she’s not acting like the world is out to get her, I’m fine.
“Lucas, do you think I’m prettier than they are?”
“Of course I do.”