Page 28 of Say You'll Stay
“Okay, first,” Lucas mimics me, “we can go get drinks wherever you want. It makes no difference to me. Second, Iwantto drive with you, and third, I brought my truck, not theothercar, so you can calm down.”
“Well, if I need to leave and go pick him up or something, I will need to have my car.”
“If you need to leave for an emergency with Jadon, you can bet I’ll be going too, and if for any other reason, you can have the key and take it wherever you need to go.”
I look at himbecausehe’s grown a second head. I just can’t see it yet. “Fine, but I’ll need to get his booster seat out of my car then and we will need to hurry, since we should have already left.”
“Fine,” Lucas says with the smuggest of smug looks and a shrug.
“Fine,” I say.
“Fine,” my dad chimes in, like he’s so damn funny.
“Fine!” Jadon adds, thinking he’s suddenly funny, too. It’s okay though since he’s actually cute doing it.
We head out and Lucas takes over, getting Jadon’s seat into his car. I’m a little shocked to see that he actually knows what he’s doing. “I ordered the same one, and it should arrive tomorrow so you can have this one back. Or take the new one. Whatever you want.”
When he’s done, he helps Jadon get buckled in while I get into the front seat. I’m glad his truck is clean and not littered with used condoms like his other car was when I was in it.
Okay, maybe there weren’t, but there may as well have been.
“Ready?” Lucas asks, sliding into the driver’s seat.
This entire car smells like him. Like he rubbed his chin on every surface. It’s a sweet torture that has me rolling down the window.
“Yep,” I say looking down at my phone, sending a quick text to Ted confirming some plans for Friday night. Guess we’re going out of town Friday night, so I’ll have to ask my dad to watch Jadon for the weekend. He’s watched him a few times when Ted took me to places like Las Vegas for my last birthday and San Francisco, which was my favorite. He said this one is a surprise, but to dress a little warm, so I’m guessing mountains?
“Where to?” Lucas asks, interrupting my distraction from him. “Which one of these small places is your favorite?”
I’m not sure about this, but if he’s willing to make the stop and spend an extra few minutes waiting for us, fine. Maybe he’ll change his mind about this driving thing. “Um, Cosmic Cafe, it’s on Third and Park.”
“Alright, sounds good. I’ll go in if you want to stay in the car with Jadon,” he offers.
“Sure, that’s fine.” He’s offering to go inside for us?
“What do you want and what will Jadon want?”
Maybe he’s just nice in the morning. “Two clean cocoas. One child size and one medium.”
“What’s a clean cocoa?”
“It’s a vegan hot chocolate that is organic.”
“That sounds disgusting.” Lucas curls his lip and I fixate on how unnaturally soft it looks.
I bite my lip out of fear they may be dry. “It’s actually pretty good, even my dad likes it.”
“Ugh, you and your weird diet,” he jokes, causing me to giggle a little. The second I realize I’m giggling, I throw my hand up to my mouth and immediately stop. I’m not supposed to enjoy this. I’m supposed to hate him for the rest of my life.
Hegrinsto himself in obvious satisfaction.
I roll my eyes and call my dad to break away from whatever this is turning into.
“You’re already calling to complain? You just left, Allie. Be nice to him.”
“Hey dad, I was wondering if you’d be fine watching Jadon Friday night and most of Saturday.”
“Sure, why?”