Page 32 of Say You'll Stay
I wonder if Tom knows how to track her phone in case she goes missing on these trips with Ted. He’s not a high-tech guy, but I can show him how to use it just in case of an emergency.
We made it through the rest of the week, with Lucas picking us up each morning. He bought the same model car seat, so we each have one in our cars and we didn’t have to switch over every morning.One point for Lucas.
Jadon is warming up to him, which is good. Lucas is obviously trying. I mean, he hasn’t missed a morning yet and is always on time. This morning, he even helped brush Jadon’s teeth while I finished getting ready.
I woke up late since I had to study for an exam in the one summer course I’m taking. Summer courses always sound like a good idea, because you can knock them out in six weeks, but then you only get six weeks to finish them. I’ll be relieved when December comes and I’ll be finished with school.
Lucas helped get Jadon finished and in the car, so by the time I was ready, they were ready and waiting for me.Another point for Lucas.
“I can help with getting him ready in the mornings,” Lucas offers as I read through Ted’s morning messages to me.
Ted goes over the top with his texts, but they’re nice. I never saw him as the type to write love notes almost daily. It can be exhausting, but honestly, I would be stupid not to appreciate his creative ways of telling me how much he loves me.
They’re just pretty words, though, like the ones Lucas used on me.
“Up to you. I try to wake him at six so he has enough time. He’s a little slow in the mornings.”
“I’ll be there,” he says. Somehow, I know he’s not just saying it.
“I’ll get you a copy of the key to the house so you can let yourself in.” Jadon forgot where he hid the spare key and we have yet to find it.
“Thanks.” He reaches into his pocket and produces a key. “By the way, I got you a key to the truck so you can take it if you ever need to leave during the day for any reason.”And then he hands me a brand new copy of his truck key.
“Alright, thanks. Although you wouldn’t need to give me one if you’d just let me take us inmycar.”
Lucas snorts and I bite my lip before I smile at the sound. “Yeah, no.”
I don’t know what to say to that, except gape at him. “Why not my car?”
“One, because you hit the brakes too hard,” he holds out one finger like he’s counting. “Two,” the second finger goes out, “because you drive like a snail.” He holds a third finger out and Jadon shouts three before Lucas does. Lucas winks at him and then looks back at me.
“Three, because your check engine light is on and I’ll look at it later. Until then, it’s my truck because I can drive like a regular human being and my truck is reliable.”
“I do not drive slow!”
“Allie, you’re the only person in our age group that drives five milesunderthe speed limit.”
“Well excuse me, I was in an accident!”
“As are most drivers. It was horrible, and while I applaud your safety measures, I’ll drive us.” He finally starts driving down the road after insulting me. “I don’t mind since you’re on the way to work. Also, going green and all that.”
“Going green?”
Lucas turns out on the main road toward town. He always takes a different route through the houses but always ends up at the cafe to get our drinks. “Yeah, carpooling to save gas or whatever.”
“Wait,” I feel like an asshole for laughing, but is he serious? “You mean in yourtruck? Saving the earth in this thing versus mycar? You’re kidding.”
He shrugs. “I offered my other car, but you didn’t want the one we fu—“
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence, Lucas-freaking-Kennedy! Jadon is listening to every word you say.”
Jadon’s playing with a toy, but I’ve learned my lesson a few times. “Freaking” sounds like “freaky” when he says it so I know I can get away with that. Not that I’m opposed to the word, but I’ve had the judgmental glares from the better moms at the store, so I take my mediocre mom status from them and try harder.
Lucas snorts. “Lucas-freaking-Kennedy? Is that what you call me in that head of yours?”