Page 38 of Say You'll Stay
“Yeah. Had to fix her hair, too. It was a little…” I wave my hands around my head like the asshole I know I’m being. I don’t care what the fuck Ted thinks of me. He’s a tool standing here in a toolbag suit, and he’s about to take Allie on some lame overnight trip. “It was just all over the place, you know? A little messed up.”
And there it is. Set in stone, solidified, made permanent. Tedwhoever-the-fuckhates my guts. I nailed her first and made a kid while he... what? Screwed around throughout his college years when he could have prevented all of this from happening by asking her to his fucking prom?
I’ve made my mistake, I know that. I didn’t give her a chanceonce. But this guy? He had years and still has done nothing about it.
I’ll bet he’s the type to lie on his back and make the woman do all the work. I’d also wager he goes first every time.
“You just dropped in after five years, Lucas? Why now?”
Oh, he’s ready to draw blood, too. Good. I’m not holding my breath for friendship with this guy, even if it’s the right thing to do. Something is off and I’ll find out what it is. “Actually, I only found out a short time ago. But I’m here now. Allie and I are working things out.”
His lips purse at that. “You and Allie?”
“Yeah,” I smile like the cocky asshole I know he thinks I am. “We had a wonderful talk this afternoon over drinks.” Smoothies count as drinks, right? At least for vegans?
Ted’s jaw flickers and his eyes drag up the stairs. “Is that so?” He looks back at me. “She just suddenly reached out to you after telling everyone for years she didn’t even know who you were? That’s interesting.”
I’m about to give him the fucking what-for when Allie’s heels click against the floor upstairs and we can hear her talking to Jadon. She rounds the top of the stairs with her bag in one hand while she grips the rail.
It’s amazing what she could do in a few minutes. She styled her hair with loose waves down her shoulders and the dress fits her perfectly, like it was made for her. She’s even wearing heels, which I know she’s not a fan of. She told me today. A pair of silver earrings poke out with each step, and she looks stunning.
Yeah, Ted’s a lucky bastard. He’s won the fucking lottery and I know he knows it.
She notices both of us staring when she gets halfway down the stairs, and whatever she sees in either of us sends her into a quiet panic. Her red-painted lips form a small “O.”
“Allie, can we speak privately?” he asks her. She nods and her eyes shoot to me quickly while Ted makes his way up to her. He grabs her wrist and pulls her in for a long and disturbing pornographic kiss.
Okay, not really porno material, but my son is standing right here watching this guy’s tongue attempt to break the barrier. The second Ted’s hand goes for Allie’s ass, my hand goes over Jadon’s eyes.Classy move, dude bro, real fucking appropriate to do in front of her kid.
They’re upstairs for a while, and I wonder if he wanted to swing his dick around in a little pre-date action. I mean, she looked amazing in that dress, so I wouldn’t blame the guy for getting caught up in it. But every so often he raises his voice just enough I can hear him downstairs. He’s not yelling, but he’s getting there.
“You didn’t think you needed to let me know you found this guy after all these years?”
“Ted, it just happened. We only just told Jadon ten minutes before you got here. It’s been stressful.”
“Oh, it’s been stressful? So much so that you couldn’t take two minutes to send a text? You’re unbelievable, Allie. You didn’t have the decency to tell me.”
“Ted, what do you want from me? It hasn’t been easy here.”
Meanwhile, Jadon has been asking questions about things he and I can donow that I’m his dad. He’s asked if he has any brothers and sisters and if I have a dog. He wants one, but Allie doesn’t allow it. He fires one after another, and not all of them link to one specific topic, but jump all over the damn place. Tom seems to find my struggle between each rapid-fire question amusing.
Tom missed the exchange with Ted while he was putting dinner together, so he doesn’t know, but he’ll figure it out soon enough. The three of us sit down to a meal mostly made of something called quinoa.
It’s bearable.
Allie and Ted come downstairs by the time we finish. Jadon gets up from the table, running straight for her, and hugs Allie around her legs, telling her she looks pretty.
That’s right, my son, your mom is absolutely gorgeous.
Allie bends down to pick up Jadon and sits at the table with him in her lap and he dead-on looks right at me. “Are you gonna marry Mommy?”
Tom chokes on his beer. Ted stands behind Allie with a hand on her shoulder.Possessive asshole much?
“Umm, no sweetie, I’m with Ted, remember?”
“Oh,” he looks down.