Page 46 of Say You'll Stay
It’s… it’s adorable.
I don’t know what I expected, but it wasn’t this. Something more along the lines of a fraternity, I suppose. Lucas’ house is a white cottage style with black trim and shutters around the windows. The neighborhood is a little woodsy, with trees and space between the houses. There is a full garden in the front that is full of bright and colorful flowers. “Do you like to garden, Lucas?”
“Actually, the lady next door does. She used to have a landscape business and retired, but she likes to take care of the yard for my dad.”
“That’s nice.” She should make a trip over to dad’s house. I hate working in the yards.
Lucas comes around the front of the truck and helps me out with his hand, and I have to ignore the little tingle I feel when he holds me. “Listen, I’m not sure how Kat is going to be, but if you want to leave, just let me know and we’ll go.”
Awesome. Sounds like a good time. Yeah, maybe he should rethink his life partner choices. She sounds like a peach. “Sure,” I smile sarcastically. My defenses are already building.
“No, it’s not like that. I mean, she can be a little possessive. If she makes you uncomfortable, just send me a signal.”
I lean in with a brow arched. “What’s the signal? Should I tug my earlobe like we’re spies?”
His shoulders relax and he pats my side in a way that I need to remind myself we are friends only. “Come on, Allie. Just work with me here.”
“It’s fine,” I lie and put a hand on his shoulder. “I’m sure she’ll be a peach.” A rotten one, but a peach nonetheless. “Just go in with that Lucas-freaking-Kennedy confidence you walk around with regularly. It’s your family, Lucas, not the British royals.”
Although I would prefer that at the moment. How long would it take to get to England if I started walking now?
He chuckles and flashes his stupid, perfect smile at me. “I like you, Allie.”
“I like me too most days. Get Jadon and let’s get through this.” And here I am, being his support system to meethisfamily and girlfriend as the woman that had sex with him in the very car sitting in the driveway.
Yay me.
I glare at said car as we march up the brick walkway toward the front door. Lucas opens it and the inside is beautiful. Dark wood floors throughout, lots of natural light coming inside from the windows. The decor is simple and sweet.
Again, he has the perfect setup. I’ll gladly house sit for Lucas if he ever goes on vacation. “Lucas, this is adorable.” Freaking picture-perfect is what it is.
“You like it? It’s mostly from my mom. My dad and I haven’t changed much since she passed.” He pulls Jadon inside by the hand while Jadon clings to Lucas like a safety net.
Again, probably won’t need me.
“Dad, Jen, we’re here.”
“Living room,” a man’s voice calls.
Lucas leads the way to where his dad and Jen sit waiting with wrapped gifts all around. I don’t see Kat anywhere. I know she’s here since I saw her brand new Mercedes parked outside beside Lucas’bang-mobile.
“Dad, Jen, this is Allie, my uh…” Lucas looks at me for assistance.
“How about just Allie?” I say jokingly, trying to make light of the mood. I think it worked since Lucas’ dad and Jen both chuckle. “And this…” I gesture to Jadon with my hands on his shoulders, “is Jadon.”
Jen comes right up to us and introduces herself. She looks like a young grandmother. Short brown hair with some gray in it. A white t-shirt underneath a cardigan, even though it’s hot as hell outside. “Hi, Jadon. I’m Jen, but you can call me Grandma Jen.” She looks up at me as if asking permission. I just smile and nod at her, which seems to make her happy. “And this is your grandpa, Bill,” she gestures to Lucas’ dad, who is slowly approaching us.
I know I recognize him from somewhere, but I can’t place it. Oh! Wow, this is a small town.
Bill tears up looking between Jadon and Lucas. “He has her eyes,” he says as he puts his hand over his mouth. Lucas just nods and pats his dad on the back. For some reason, I expected Lucas’ father to be less of the sensitive type. I need to stop assuming things because I keep getting things wrong lately.
Jadon, being four, waves off his brand new grandparents after a quick introduction and asks if the presents scattered around the living room are for him. Bill and Jen laugh and then lead him over to the couch to help him unwrap gifts.
Not that they needed to do this, but they put a lot of effort into something they only found out about last night.