Page 52 of Say You'll Stay
Engaged, supposedly. He failed to mention that today. If anything, he seemed like he was one foot out the door, but here he was, telling her he’ll marry her. Then she’ll want kids and push us out of his life with the baby he makes with her. The freaking gorgeous model children they’ll have.
“You don’t owe me anything, Lucas. Just focus on Jadon and do right by him.”
“I can’t just worry about him, Allie, I…” He drops my hands and grabs my cheeks. His thumbs press into my stupid tears that are obviously caused by the sun or something. Maybe PMS. I’ll go with that. “I can’t do anything but make this right for you. Everything is my fault, and I don’t know how else to apologize. I want a do-over. A second chance for us. You’re the one who had it hard while I was running around living my life, and we can’t ever get that time back.”
“Lucas, it’s fine—“
“Stop!” His hands grip me a little tighter, but not roughly. “Stop saying I don’t owe you anything, because I do, Allie. I stood there, watching how the two of you act with one another, and can’t help but feel like shit for not being there. I wish I could have been there in the hospital, been there for every diaper change, every feeding, his first steps, his first words, but I can’t.”
His hands are trembling, but he doesn’t let go. “I also wish I could have been there for you. For every weird pregnancy craving, I wish I could have felt every kick… Fuck! I wish I could find the person who hit you. You know what I was doing back then? While my son was fighting for his life? I was partying it up, trying to get laid, thinking about me. My future was in the hospital, and you were there, alone, not even sure he would survive.”
The tears are streaming down my face without stopping. He continues to wipe them away with his thumbs, but whatever ones are in my eyes blur my vision.
“Allie, I wish I wasn’t such an asshole to you and that I could have had the chance to be with you. I wish I said the things I wanted to say to you that night, but I didn’t. All I wanted was a chance, and I should have done things right.”
“But if I could go back, I wouldn’t change a thing. I wouldn’t ruin the possibility of being here with you right now. Allie…”
Those mismatched pleading eyes are asking me for something, only I’m not sure what it is.
“If I were here, would things have worked between us? Would you have been open to the possibility of you and me over some childhood crush?”
My mouth falls open. He waits and I watch the featherlight movement in his jaw.
“You’re asking if I would choose you?”
“If you would have given me a second chance. Or if we had met the right way, would you have looked twice at me?”
I swallow the lump in my throat. My shaking hands compete with my heart beating like a wild drum in my chest. He’s asking ifIwould have givenhima chance? This funny and sweet guy? “Yes.”
Lucas leans forward, his lips barely touching mine, while he whispers against me. “Let me make this right for us.” Before my next breath, his lips are crashing onto mine. I try to pull back, but he just holds me tighter. I slowly give, and Lucas’ tongue slides freely over mine. It isn’t dominating; it’s just different from anything I’ve ever had.
Gosh, this feels... That’s just it. Ifeel somethingin this kiss.
It’s magnetic, like the need to wrap my arms around his neck to pull him closer. His hands move down to my lower back, clutching my dress. He walks us two steps backward until I hit the counter, and he lifts me up, setting me on the cold tile. His lips travel from mine to my cheek, my jaw, then down my neck.
Then he stops.
“I’m sorry,” he says lowly into my neck. I just pull his face up to mine, trying to understand why he’s apologizing now. “I shouldn’t do this to you again.”
“Do what? Are you planning on dumping me out in the driveway again? I know how to get home from here.”
The dry chuckle from him is all I need in order to say what I need to say. It’s sudden, but I can’t fathom anything outside of what’s happening right here. Like he wants this more than anything, too.
“I want this, Lucas. I want you.” The honesty is freeing, and so natural to me, even if I regret it later. Should that mean something?
Without another word, Lucas grabs my hips and pulls them closer to him, wrapping my legs around his waist. He kisses me again, and I cling to his neck, twirling his hair in my fingers. Lucas lifts me up from the counter and starts for the stairs. He nearly trips on one of Jadon’s toys, but quickly recovers and hurries up the steps.
I giggle, but he growls and nibbles down on my lip. “Watch it, missy.”
He hurries up the stairs as quietly as possible until he makes it to my door. Jadon’s door is open, so he quietly walks over and has me pull it closed.
Lucas lays me down on my bed, hovering over me. The intense gaze intimidates me when I think about how I’ve basically only done this once, and how he’s an expert. A sexpert? Do they have those?
“Are you sure you want to do this?” he asks. I nod my head. “I need words, Allie.”
“Lucas, I want this.” I’ve just had this idea that he wouldn’t really see me as more than what happened that one time. He backs up and takes me in, and my nerves pinch, even fully dressed.