Page 61 of Say You'll Stay
The way she can carry herself confidently in normal circumstances but then be completely jittery in something like this is soAllie. “I’ll get rid of it for you.”
“Yes.” She relaxes, but come on. “But,” her eyes snap up to mine. “Only if you use it at least once.”
Allie glowers at me, and I swear I hear thunder outside. “Are you serious?”
She scoots out of her seat abruptly and stands. “I’m ready to go.”
I snort and follow her out to the car. She says nothing about the vibrator for the rest of our time together, but she’s clearly thinking about it.
“Um,” she clears her throat as I pull into my driveway where her car sits waiting. “Thank you for coming to my rescue today and for the whole spa thing and then the movies. It was kind of better than spending it alone.”
He should have taken care of her today if he really loves her.
“I know I said I was going to leave her.” She hasn’t asked, but it has to be on her mind. “I’m going to. I just have to take care of something first.”
She shrugs and offers a small smile. “Maybe it wasn’t meant to be. You’ve known her a long time, and she’s glamorous. I understand.”
That’s the thing. She doesn’t get it.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Lucas.”
I am zen.
I am calm.
With every breath and glance at my new do, I manifest inner peace like the shallow person I want to be right now. For the first time in a long time, I feel good and won’t let this ruin my day.
Ted sent me one singular text.
Will talk in person.
What are we, spies? Why the ominous message? What’s wrong with a phone call or video chat?
I’m not naturally a violent person. Not really. Once, I almost got into a fight in high school with a cheerleader in the locker room. She had something nasty to say about Charity getting green highlights.
I tried to slap her and missed, then just hit a locker really loud. Violence is not the answer for all of us. But darn it if I want to kick Ted in the shin even if it messes up my freshly painted toes.
It’s not as though I haven’t had an ongoing conversation with Lucas, however, which is helping. Sort of. I’d say we’re officially friends for real. We proved that today.
I’m going to initiate him into my “baby daddy friendship circle.” I feel it’s something he will appreciate.
Dad thought he was coming over tonight, but Lucas says he has things to take care of at home. In other words, I’m guessing he’s spending time withKat. They’re definitely not breaking up. I won’t let myself get torn up about it. It wasn’t a likely scenario, anyway.
Doesn’t matter. This is a rough patch with Ted, and much like Lucas and Kat knowing each other for a while, my lifelong friendship with Ted will prove that we’re right for each other. That we’ll make it through this weird moment in our life.
I’m, again, indecisive about what to wear. I’m half-tempted to wear an old t-shirt with a hole in the armpit I got from going to some races a few years ago. Maybe that pair of jeans I wore senior year that I just started fitting into again.
Ah, positivity.
They have some quotes in Sharpie on them. Also, Charity drew boobs just over one of the knee holes.