Page 66 of Say You'll Stay
My phone lights up and I see my… is he still my boyfriend? He shouldn’t be.
Well, he’s calling.
I’m not going to answer right now. I’m just going to watch Jadon for a bit...
* * *
Shit, I must have fallen asleep. “Yeah, baby.”
Oh, my back. Good grief, that was a mistake.
“Did you sleep in here?”
His investigative skills are on point. “Yeah, sorry.” I remember something about reading one of his books and must have fallen asleep.
Wow, I look like a top-notch kind of parent right now. Go me.
“Jadon, why don’t you go see if grandpa is up?”
His feet hit the floor, and he’s gone before I even open my eyes. I’ll need to make breakfast, but I just need a minute.
And some Ibuprofen.
The morning goes by slowly, and I know Lucas is coming to get us. Truthfully, I’m not up for it, and Lucas is the last person I should talk to about my boyfriend kicking me out of his car.
But I’m not ruining Jadon’s first holiday with his dad.
Jadon’s high-pitched “Daddy!” screech downstairs tells me all I need to know before I make my first appearance.
Right. Well, what do I care if I’m doing an Allie-style walk of shame in my house wearing the same dress I wore on my date? Never mind, I don’t want to talk about it. I have shorts already picked out for today and a plain blue t-shirt.
I couldn’t say if my dad told Lucas anything. He’s known for talking about some of my personal stuff to his coaching staff, but I’m not sure about Lucas. But Lucas looks unbothered and in a good mood, so maybe he doesn’t know.
“There she is,” his bright, perfect smile is a subtle reminder that Lucas Kennedy is, without a doubt, a Greek god statue kind of man. I hate to talk like that and objectify him, but it’s the undeniable truth.
He has a paper cup in his hand from my favorite cafe. “Thank you, Lucas.”
I don’t care if it’s hot out. I like hot chocolate any time of the year. Lucas follows me into the kitchen. I can hear dad watching the Saturday morning news while Jadon is undoubtedly trying to decipher the comic strips in the newspaper by his feet.
“How’d it go last night?” He’s peeking around my shoulder like a weird stalker.
“Lucas, what are you doing?” He’s inches away from me, looking down.
“Oh, sorry.” He pivots and leans against the counter while I get ready to make…
It’s going to be quinoa today. There’s some fruit I can add to it for Jadon.
“You look tired.”
“I got in late.” Sixty-five dollars to get home, but I made it before midnight. Not that it matters.
“Are you alright?”
I get the pot ready and start Jadon’s breakfast. “I’m fine,” I fake a smile. “How are you? How are things with Katrina?”
His face drops. “I told you, Allie, I just need some time.”