Page 92 of Say You'll Stay
I’m officially a dumbass.
Well, my pants are close by, so I can squeeze into those and drop this ridiculous dress and get back into my shirt.
Comfortable home attire. Super sexy, I know. It’s my specialty.
Lucas returns a few minutes later with some ice water. “That’s what I was hoping to see,” he tells me. The question is obviously on my face. “You in real clothes. Even your boobs are perfect, although one is just a little bigger.”
I knew it was obvious.
He snorts. “It’s not even noticeable, Allie.”
It’s noticeable to me. “You saw it through the dress.”
“I stare at your boobs constantly. It doesn’t mean anyone else has noticed.”
Good grief. I guzzle the water and hold my head while he leans against my desk.
“So they show you were already going through the intersection when the other car came. You were in the right. The hard part is that it’s not clear if you were on your phone, though the police report at the station says you were.”
I honestly don’t know if that matters. The law is not my thing. The only law stuff I know is what I learned watching Reese Witherspoon, and I’m not too sure that is accurate by any means. Or if there was any real law stuff in it.
“You had the right of way, Allie, and this is the car that hit you.”
He flips to another page and I know the car instantly.
“I thought it was a white car.” I know I saw a white car, and it was a nice one. A Mercedes, I think.
“That one came after. There were two cars.” He flips through the pages, and I see the white car in one image, and a second car after it. Maybe I misremembered some of it. Lucas flips another page when the cars are driving away, and the damage on the side shows which one hit me.
I know that car. I rode in that car to the party where I met Lucas. I simultaneously want to scream and cry but also, my stomach is in knots over this.
“That was Ted’s car.” The knots move to my head in a rush. This can’t be happening.
“Are you fucking serious?” Lucas seethes. “That was his car?”
I nod as best I can.
Lucas slams the file shut and moves to leave, but I reach for him. “Wait!” When he stops, I have to figure out a way to make sure he’s not going to just leave and do something stupid.
As a backup, I stick my foot out as though it will trip him because I have no brighter ideas right now.
“You don’t know everything, and you can’t just go do whatever it is you think you’re going to do to him.”
“I’ll kill him.”
“Oh really? And then what? Jadon and I have to visit you with our hands flat on a metal table for the rest of your life?”
“Probably more like twenty-five years if you’re cool waiting that long for me. Good behavior might bring it down a few if I smile like a good boy.”
“Lucas, this isn’t a joke!”
“Shh,” he smiles a little and takes my hand. “I won’t kill him. It just doesn’t sit right with me, knowing he’s been here the entire time around the two of you.”
“We should find out who the camera belongs to,” I tell him. I saw Ted that day and he wasn’t hurt or banged up or anything. It just doesn’t make a lot of sense why Katrina’s dad would cover for Ted. They never even knew each other. “Maybe they still have the recording. I would think whoever investigated it would have got it, right?”
Lucas shrugs. “There’s a reason this is hidden in Mark’s desk. I’ll ask Joel to look into it for us, so we aren’t the ones getting involved.”
This is a lot to process.