Page 17 of Shadows Approach
“You shouldn’t build here. It’s too beautiful to develop,” Jessica insisted.
Ulof whispered to Piper, “Can we sneak off?”
She was just as uncomfortable and nodded. Seeing the nearby unidentified Nobek eyeing them with amusement, Piper put her finger to her lips. He nodded, his grin deepening.
“Thanks, Nobek Kuran,” Ulof whispered.
They slunk to the path. A few steps into their escape, Piper glanced back to note Kuran had planted his big frame at its head, hiding their retreat.
“I guess Ulof’s Valley isn’t just ours any longer,” Piper sighed as they climbed down the mountain trail. “You’ll have to make me another.”
The prospect of a new project brightened Ulof’s uncomfortable expression. “I have a proposal for the moon we’ll terraform next. I’m hoping to present it to my supervisor this week.”
Piper lived to see him excited. “The moon near Bi’is space? Can you tell me about it?”
His features were bright, making her love him with a fierceness that filled her heart fit to burst. “I’ll show you. I’ve been drawing it up for the last two months. There’s an island in the middle of the sea I hope to fill with plant life both beautiful and medicinal…”
* * * *
Alpha Space Station
After Kuran accompanied Stacy to her office and assured himself she wouldn’t leave for the next hour or two, he took a shuttle to the orbiting space station and hurried to its operations section.
To his relief, he made it to his scheduled meeting in a conference room with minutes to spare. Rear Admiral Hobato and Admiral Tranis were already there. The Dramok fleet officers sat at one end of a long table, speaking in low tones.
They rose as Kuran entered, and he bowed. He was no longer an official member of the Kalquorian fleet, merely a contractor, but it was a thrill to work with members of the highest command.
“Admirals, it’s an honor.”
“The honor is ours, Head of Earth Security. You’ve had your hands full, I’m sure, since the governor’s arrival and the Imperial Clan’s visit. Please, sit.” Hobato, aged and dignified, motioned to the chair to his right, across the table from Tranis.
“It’s been hectic, but the transfer of power has been seamless thus far.”
“It may be another story when the residents arrive in force.” Tranis’ smile flashed in his bearded face. He was the youngest admiral to have achieved his rank, and Kuran wondered if it was the reason he appeared older than his years.
“What of the lieutenant governor and the legislators who hold to more traditional Earther values?” Hobato asked.
The Earthtiques had been Kalquor’s and the Galactic Council’s greatest concern. No one wanted to see a return of the tyrannical regime that had started a horrific war with Kalquor a decade before, ending with the original Earth’s destruction.
“Thus far, the traditionalists have kept their disagreements polite. The lieutenant governor did go out of his way to avoid speaking to the Imperial Clan and other Kalquorians during the official welcome to Governor Nichols.”
“In many cases, loyalty can be problematic, especially when it involves Old Earth’s ideology.”
“Fortunately, Governor Nichols is of better character.” It required effort to keep the warmth from his voice, but Kuran managed.
“You proved your loyalty to Kalquor during the civil conflict,” Tranis observed, switching subjects abruptly.
“I should hope so. Honor and empire.”
“Including when it’s painful? Objectional on a personal level?”
What were they up to? Kuran hadn’t been given any idea what the meeting was about beforehand. “War against one’s own kind isn’t painful enough?”
“There can be worse conflicts. At least we were allowed to charge into battle and face our foes eye to eye.” Tranis glanced at Hobato, then returned his gaze to Kuran. “You know why we brought you in to head Earth’s security as a contractor.”
“There are those Earthers who resent Kalquor despite the reparations the empire has paid. An official military presence wouldn’t be accepted by the Earthtiques…er, the traditionalists.”
Both admirals quirked slight smiles at his slip. “The planet needs our protection at this time, however,” Hobato said. “Trag is always problematic for worlds lacking adequate security. Though it’s distant and backward enough to be of negligible concern, Asicar has also been showing signs of aggression recently.”