Page 23 of Shadows Approach

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Page 23 of Shadows Approach

Stacy listened as he told her the story of the reviled Admiral Piras, and his almost as hated Nobek, Captain Kila.

“Wow. There is some serious baggage between you and him. Have you met him in person?”

“No, but he had a hell of a reputation. Everyone in the service heard of ‘The Terror of the Fleet.’ He took no one’s shit, and he accepted nothing less than excellence. They said he could tear your head off with his sharp tongue.”

“He sounds like a nightmare.”

Kuran managed a bitter chuckle. “When he was a captain, Nobeks begged to serve on his vessel.”


“Men who had nothing left to live for,” Etnil opined.

“Earning even inconsequential praise from Piras was considered a higher honor than a medal or commendation. He was the ultimate challenge when it came to winning glory.”

“Then he pretended to turn on the empire and join the Basma. Your brother paid the price.”

“Our other brother and hundreds of thousands of civilians were saved on Haven and elsewhere because of Piras. He and Kila were there to keep the Basma and Earth’s former Holy Leader from killing them. Then he warned Kalquor of the Bi’is’ coming attack and saved the whole damned empire.” Kuran pushed his plate away and gazed at her. “He should be hailed as a hero. I wish I could be practical about the matter.”

“It sounds as if you’ll be practical enough. You did tell the admirals you could work with him.” She was glad. She hated the thought of Kuran leaving when it felt they were beginning to get close.

“I should give Piras a chance. I will give him a chance. After all, it must have cost him dearly to have given up Laro Station and the men on it.” Kuran grabbed his glass of bohut and drained it.

“That’s quite evolved of you, my Nobek. Sometimes I hold out hope you’ll grow up to be a fine man someday.” Etnil lifted his glass in salute and laughed when Kuran made a rude gesture in return.

“I find it interesting they’d place a potentially problematic officer of Piras’ infamy in charge here,” Rihep mused. “If anything goes wrong and Piras’ involvement comes up, it would deliver a black eye to the fleet’s high command, wouldn’t it?”

“They mentioned rehabilitating his reputation. There are a lot of Kalquorians who’d rather see him dead than admit he did what was needed.” Kuran’s expression told Stacy he had difficulty not numbering himself among them.

“What kind of trouble would such a revelation do here?” Rihep’s attention returned to Stacy. “I take it your lieutenant governor isn’t in the loop as far as the spyship squad is concerned?”

“Absolutely not. The shit would hit the fan if he was. As far as I know, I’m the only government official of Earth who knows.” She darted a look at Kuran for verification, and he nodded. “As I said, clearance for secret information is on case-by-case basis. Admiral Hobato thought it best I be able to call on the squad’s leader for assistance if we found ourselves encountering trouble we can’t handle.”

“Earthtiques,” Etnil supplied. “Did they really enjoy how your first home planet was run? The domestic and galactic wars, secret police, and lack of freedoms?”

“If they benefitted from it in some way, yes. Bryant was born into a family of successful businessmen and politicians who realized great profit from the old regime on the original Earth. His own political star was rising when Armageddon happened.”

“His concern you might find a Kalquorian clan acceptable for a future relationship speaks of possible speciesism,” Rihep noted.

Stacy wondered if she imagined the Dramok was scouting for information on her romantic prospects. “He has little to be concerned over for as long as I remain governor.”

“Oh? The post isn’t permanent. Kuran said you intend to run in the election.”

“I do. I have so many hopes for my people and this world, and I want to help realize them before I have to step aside. Win or lose, I hope to help put this planet on a path to success, and I’ll stick it out as long as it takes to do so.”

“And keep the Earthtiques from turning it into another…hmm, how can I put this delicately?” Etnil said.

“Hellhole?” Stacy snickered.

“Ah, that’s the word.” The Imdiko laughed.

“An honorable goal.” Rihep joined in with the humor.

“Dinner with Kalquorians is as close to considering a clanship as you’ll come?” Kuran kept his voice light, though he watched her closely.

“I didn’t say that.” Stacy met his gaze. Perhaps she hadn’t imagined his interest in her. “Four terms of two years each is the maximum the legislature will allow the governor to have. I won’t be in office forever. Who knows what interesting opportunities for my future beyond politics might come along? Nothing is off the table as far as romance is concerned, including if the right clan comes along.”

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