Page 49 of Shadows Approach
“Nobody. I’ve read a little Earther fiction dealing with intimate relationships, that’s all.” His color was deepening by the second.
“Really? Oh, pornography, I suppose.” She sat back in her seat, disappointed.
“No. Well, a few parts are what some might call pornographic, but I’d classify it as more along the lines of…erotic.” He scowled and glared at her. “Fine. I’ve been reading human romance books. I’d hoped they’d give me a better idea of how to treat an Earther woman the way she prefers.”
Stacy stared at him. Kuran, the giant, muscled, scarred Nobek, read romance novels? He continued to glower, daring her to make fun.
Giggles threatened to bubble up from her gut. She squashed them with determination.
“You’re very considerate, Kuran. I appreciate the effort, since I assume you’re reading for tips on my behalf.”
His tension eased a hair. “Of course I do it for you. It’s important I do whatever possible so you’re happy.”
“That means a great deal to me.” It did, but she was still having to fight laughter.
“I’m glad. I…I’d be grateful if you didn’t tell my clanmates. Especially Etnil.”
“Absolutely I won’t.” Etnil would have a field day if he discovered such reading material. Poor Kuran would never hear the end of it. “You do realize, a lot of those books have an unrealistic view of romance, right? Real relationships usually aren’t quite so dramatic.”
“I’m relieved to hear it. I’ve been clanned for thirty-three years to Rihep, twenty-three to Etnil. The Earther perspective in the books concerned me. The stories seem to indicate a successful relationship is a torrid, nonstop high.”
“Most of us who’ve been in relationships before understand such isn’t the case. Romance books are meant to feed us our fantasies during the calmer spells.” She’d been distracted from the revelation of Kuran’s reading habits, however. “Do you realize you and Rihep have been clanned almost as long as I’ve been alive? I keep forgetting how much slower Kalquorians age than humans.”
“It’s all right. I like my women young and nubile.”
Stacy screamed laughter. “At thirty-eight, I’m hardly ‘nubile.’ Did you learn that word from those books?”
“It shows up with horrifying regularity. A few do have decent stories, though.” He blushed once more. “Ancestors, don’t tell anyone. I’m begging you. I’ll kill myself if it gets out.”
“I swear your secret is safe. Hey, I don’t mind a hot romance every now and then. Maybe you can give me some recommendations?”
“Contemporary, fantasy, or historical?”
Giggles threatened again. Kuran, the romance-reading Nobek, was a hell of an eye-opener.
* * * *
Earth II
Stacy was five minutes late to her meeting with Bryant. Kuran had gone straight to his own office to help her avoid as much awkwardness as possible, but she couldn’t guess how the situation could be less pleasant.
“You stayed on the Kalquorian space station a second night?” At least Ken had possessed the good breeding to stand and wish her good morning first.
She dropped in her chair. “How else do I keep tabs on our assistance unless I visit them? Unfortunately, my shuttle broke down. Did I apologize for keeping you waiting? Prophets, I need a cup of coffee.”
He offered a smile, which failed to reach his eyes. “I take it Nobek Kuran brought you home to us.”
Stacy met his gaze. “He works here. In this very building. He’s the only Kalquorian who does so. Who else would I have asked to give me a lift?”
“You want to be elected for a term of governorship. That Kalq is around you a lot, and people notice. They could get the wrong idea if it continues. Particularly if he’s bringing you in after you spend the night on the station where he lives.”
“They’ll have to get over it. He’ll be taking me back there later, so I can pick up my shuttle, which I hope will be repaired before the day’s done. Anything else, or can we move on from the interrogation, Mr. Bryant?”
He sighed. “It isn’t an interrogation, and I’m not saying you’re doing anything wrong. I’m simply pointing out how it looks. As I said, Kuran is around you quite often. Your political opponents will capitalize on it.”
“Thank you.” She turned on her handheld and brought up the itinerary. “As I note neither the election nor Nobek Kuran are on the agenda for our meeting, shall we discuss the items which are?”
* * * *