Page 52 of Shadows Approach
“Are you telling us we’re to put courting aside for the foreseeable future?” Rihep’s voice was soft but steady.
“Not entirely. We’ll have to conduct it as discreetly as possible. Visiting me on my world for any reason beyond duty wouldn’t be prudent.”
“Only Kuran has reason to go the planet.” Etnil sighed in disappointment. He was an Earthphile, fascinated by the foods, culture, and history of Stacy’s distantly related species. The few times he’d been on the planet to visit her, he’d been like a kid in a candy store.
“For now.” She attempted to be reassuring despite her doubts. “I hope once we hold the election, it won’t be such a big deal, whether I win or lose. A lot depends on who else takes office.”
“It won’t be just us finding it difficult to visit you on Earth,” Rihep surmised.
“I’m afraid not. I’d have to limit my trips to the station too.” The words were spikes in her throat. “Most likely once a week, maybe twice. Less for overnight stays.”
“Maybe if I whore myself out to those who oppose us? You know yourself how incredible I am in bed. I could change some minds, don’t you think?” Etnil’s humor had taken on a stubborn note instead of its usual lightheartedness.
She rewarded his efforts with a chuckle. “I have faith in your abilities, but I’m too greedy to share.”
He beamed at her for an instant before his mood quieted again.
“It’s a difficult balancing act you have to perform, isn’t it?” Rihep took her hand, the one not holding Kuran’s.
“It means I’m a tough woman to have as a girlfriend.”
He shook his head. “Only if the boyfriends are the kind to shrink from a challenge. Which we aren’t.”
Her being warmed, but she hated them having to jump through hoops on her behalf. “It isn’t the best situation, but this is the best option I can see. I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to call it quits.”
She’d blamed herself for failing to find a way to work it out. And the assholes who couldn’t get past speciesism and their rigid definitions of acceptable relationships.
Rihep squeezed her hand. “We saw this coming, Stacy. We already talked it over and agreed you’re worth waiting for, if you feel the same toward us.”
“Remember, an instant of my presence is worth any other man’s yearlong nonstop company,” Etnil said.
She grinned, relief filling her. “Thank you. I hate it’s come to this. If I could spend every moment with you guys, I’d be the happiest woman in the universe.”
“We’ll make the moments we have count,” Rihep said. “They’ll be extra meaningful for their rarity, and we’ll appreciate it better when we don’t have to limit them.”
Kuran raised his glass. “I’ll drink to that.”
They all drank to it. While there was an atmosphere of sadness, there was also relief, Stacy believed. They weren’t calling it quits, as she’d feared they might.
She prayed they weren’t hurt she’d placed her commitment to Earth over them. They seemed to understand their bond was still in the dating phase, while she’d vowed to ensure her people’s home planet safely begun. She was certain she wasn’t wrong to keep Earth the priority over what was a promising, but as yet undecided, relationship.
A society versus one woman’s romantic leanings? She’d come to the correct choice, given her circumstances.
“If we won’t be together again for a week, we should take full advantage of tonight. Were you planning to spend tonight?” Rihep asked.
She wasn’t. It was foolish, given the recent attack on her shuttle. “I’ll leave in an hour or so, as much as I hate to.”
Did she ever hate to go.
It leant the lovemaking that followed extra urgency. Stacy’s fears the clan would hold back in response to her insistence of withdrawal proved to be unfounded.
If anything, they were more demanding, thrilling her to her core. They bound her helpless for their pleasure. Kuran spanked her hard enough so she’d feel his domination for the next couple of days, so perhaps she wouldn’t miss it so acutely until they were able to reunite again. Rihep’s and Etnil’s acts of discipline were no less exacting, leaving her wet and shaking in aroused gratitude even as her breasts and pussy smarted from being tormented.
She was filled utterly in every way by each man. One by one, they took possession of her mouth, her pussy, her ass. Sometimes they left her wanting, begging for release. Often, they made her come while she screamed for reprieve. They gifted her the torment she craved and loved. It was even better when they took her, the entire trio, at once.
* * * *
Earth II