Page 63 of Shadows Approach
Stacy scrambled up. She moaned as she sank onto him, her ass stretching reluctantly to accommodate his secondary. Her pussy made up for it, blazing rapture as it drank in his larger shaft.
“Ride my cocks while I spank your beautiful ass. Go slow, and don’t come.”
She shuddered as she rose and fell over him, fucking him as he dictated. Her ass cheeks shivered and stung under his heavy chastisement, feeding the thrills racing through her. She hung desperately to his wide shoulders as her cunt clenched on him, pleading to climax. Only the slow pace of their lovemaking kept her from losing control.
Her buttocks were roasting when he ceased the titillating discipline. He grasped her hips and commandeered the pace, bouncing her on his groin so her breasts leapt, increasing the speed of their union. She wailed as rapture closed in.
“It’s time to come, little lady. Come while my cocks fuck your ass and pussy. Come now.”
She did, her cries ringing loud, fingernails clawing his shoulders. He moved beneath her, thrusting to meet her downward plunge onto him, increasing the pulses of bliss. He kissed her forcefully, his lips bruising hers in the way she lived for.
He slowed as her spasms eased, but he continued to rut. He allowed his smaller length to slip free of her ass as he rose on his knees.
“Wrap your legs around my waist. Etnil will enjoy your ass now.”
“Thank you, my kind, generous Dramok. I was afraid my cocks would explode. It would have been a huge mess for you to clean up.” The Imdiko was behind Stacy in an instant.
He filled her with a happy sigh, taking her at once. His primary was generous, noticeably larger than Rihep’s secondary. The delightful throb of hurt was increased by him pressing against her ass, which still smarted from Rihep’s spanking. It sparked soft but profound convulsions around the Dramok’s cock driving in her pussy.
She groaned at the fullness, at the ache which delivered pleasure and anguish in equal measure. Two primaries at once made her exquisitely aware of how big Kalquorian men were, how small she was in comparison. She felt as if she must split in half, but she asked for no mercy as they eagerly fucked her.
Etnil mauled her breasts, squeezing and pinching as he drove in deep. She reveled in their control even as instinct insisted she escape. There was no chance of doing so, fortunately. She was forced to accept their lust, their needs as virile men in their prime.
She rose and fell between the pair, wailing as desire rose and devoured. She was aware of Rihep watching her closely, his purple cat’s eyes drinking in her desperate ecstasy. His groin pounded against hers, feeding her his hunger and increasing hers.
His finger and thumb closed on her clit. “Come.”
Her vision whited out as tumultuous yearning found its end. The second orgasm was stronger than the first. For several seconds, she was aware only of the heaving elation sweeping through her. She continued to quake long after her surroundings returned, thanks to Rihep rubbing her clit and ignoring her cries for mercy.
She was still shuddering when Kuran joined them. He stood on the bed and gripped her hair to hold her in place as he guided his primary to her gasping mouth. His slickened cock stabbed between her lips, retreated, and entered deeper. He fucked her mouth, each thrust driving nearer to her throat, his spicy-sweet flavor inundating her tongue as he had her.
They drove in her as one. They were a single, mighty beast, surrounding and invading her. Absorbing her, making her part of themselves and vice-versa. She’d never felt so thoroughly possessed.
She’d come to the right decision. Whatever her detractors threw at her, she wouldn’t give up this clan. If she paid a price for it, so be it.
This was her life. This was her right.
“Beautiful Stacy. Come for us again,” Rihep whispered.
A few moments later, she did. Filled by Rihep, Etnil, and Kuran, she had no choice. As she shuddered and moaned her deliverance, their passion flowed to greet hers. Their groans mingled, and Stacy imagined it was a song of homecoming.
* * * *
The station hadn’t yet begun the dayshift, though according to the Earth-aligned clock, its “morning” was officially underway. Kuran walked into an office when he was summoned to enter. He’d been worried he wouldn’t be able to speak to the man who’d been assigned to it before Stacy left the station for her office. He was determined to arrive on Earth at the same time, the better to keep an eye on her. Fortunately, the man he’d begged an audience with kept early hours.
“Good morning, Nobek Kuran.” Admiral Piras stood from behind his desk and returned his bow.
“Thank you for seeing me on such short notice, Admiral. I was surprised you were available before official duty hours, so I’m doubly grateful.” Kuran glanced around. Piras’ space was stark in its efficiency. Desk, chairs, a small console table against the wall on which perched a pitcher of water and glasses. Only a vid on his desk, which projected a picture of a beautiful dark-haired woman, broke its cold efficiency.
“I’ve been up most of the night, thanks to official fleet business. Despite not being at headquarters on Kalquor, my input on a sensitive matter has been demanded.” The delicate features above his strong jaw were drawn and his eyes were shadowed, indicating the truth of his claim.
He surprised Kuran by turning on a surveillance-cancelling device. If covert listening tools were present in the room, it would defeat their ability to function.
Piras regarded Kuran. “What can I do for you? Is all well on Earth? Any further protests drawing trouble?”
“Only if you count sabotage to the governor’s shuttle.”
“I received the report. Are there new developments?”