Page 8 of Shadows Approach
Stacy didn’t tell Kuran she and the legislature had set the aggressive goal of ten years. Earthtiques were clamoring for five.
“Lacking a bunch of Kalquorians underfoot, there’ll be much less hostility than what Haven suffered in its first years,” she told him. “Since we won’t have to run our decisions by a Kalquorian governor, there’ll be fewer opportunities for resentment to build.”
“I guess so.” He drew a deep breath, his gaze still on Bryant. His distraction suited Stacy fine. It allowed her to take a long, slow look at him without being obvious.
Kuran was a delicious eyeful, and she didn’t feel a minute’s guilt for ogling him.
* * * *
Alpha Space Station, Clan Rihep’s quarters
Kuran entered his quarters aboard the “tin can,” as Stacy called the space station orbiting Earth II. He inhaled deeply, appreciating the scent of dinner from the tiny greeting room, which boasted a total of three seating cushions, a table, and what his Imdiko referred to as “a bar fit for drinking alone.”
It hardly mattered. Theirs was a gregarious clan, more apt to meet friends for drinks than to entertain.
Kuran entered the slightly larger dining room, where Etnil was just putting a pizza on the table. “Well, aren’t you your typical self?” the Imdiko groused. He didn’t lift his gaze to Kuran. “The shower head is leaking. No Kuran to fix it. I com to ask a clanmate, who happens to pass the grocery supply department on his way home, to pick up some flour. Does Kuran answer? No. But dinner’s ready, and who bolts through the dining room door, drooling like a starved snarku? Kuran, of course.”
The Nobek chuckled as he pulled his com from its belt pouch and checked for messages. Sure enough, Etnil had called. “I’m sorry, my Imdiko. I forgot I had it on silent for the governor’s welcome. It looks as if you pulled off dinner without my assistance. Grul pizza?”
His clanmate’s handsome, slender face, framed by sleek black hair that fell to his mid-back, finally rose to look up at him. A slight smirk hovered over his lips. “I added hot sauce and blue cheese. No one will dare kiss you for the rest of your life after you eat this. Or follow you to the toilet.” He made an explosive sound, his cheeks puffing and deflating.
“It has to be better than the bywes and pickled beet pizza he inflicted on us last week.” Rihep came in carrying a bottle of bohut and glasses. Though he was nearly ten years Etnil’s senior, he looked younger. Etnil claimed it was because Rihep, though a Dramok, had many Imdiko traits, meditated like a priest, and gave very few fucks about anything.
Etnil grabbed the bottle from him, opened it, and tried to drink straight from it. Kuran snatched it from him, which earned him a pout. The Imdiko recovered almost immediately to advise them, “You were my test subjects for a post-traumatic stress disorder study I’m doing. Have you suffered nightmares since the beet pizza? Urges to end your lives? Uncontrollable desires to pickle other Earth-based vegetables or certain gorgeous Imdiko clanmates?”
“Get the plates, Etnil.” Rihep grinned, but there was no doubt he expected to be obeyed. He offered the glasses one at a time for Kuran to fill. “How was the party, my Nobek?”
“Boring. Stuffy. I think Stacy made an excellent impression.”
“Oh, it’s justStacynow, instead of Governor Stacy, who started as Governor Nichols.” Etnil was back, bearing plates and utensils. “Was the excellent impression just on a certain adoring Nobek, or did anyone else find her agreeable?”
“One tap,” Kuran said to Rihep, brandishing the half-empty bottle in Etnil’s direction.
“Don’t waste good bohut when your fist will do.”
Etnil laughed at the idea Kuran would punch him and sliced the pizza. They sat down to sample his latest effort.
The Imdiko was forever trying food combinations on top of pizza dough after having discovered the popular Earther food. He was also enamored with subs and sandwiches, and often stuffed a number of ingredients between cuts of bread. He declared the height of civilization was the development of portable food.
Kuran had to admit grul pizza was among Etnil’s successes. The fiery hot chunks melded deliciously with blue cheese, and the addition of a smoky hot sauce was a painfully delightful enjoyment.
After a couple of slices and refilling his glass, Rihep told Etnil to keep his mouth shut and invited Kuran to tell them about the gathering.
“The Imperial Clan was there, and so was the GC’s new secretary-general. You would have enjoyed speaking to Dramok Mereta. He has a supremely calm presence.”
“I’ve read his take on the Temple of Life’s philosophy. I find it fascinating he arrived where he did after years as a priest.” Rihep himself had briefly studied for the Temple of Life’s priesthood before opting for the route of a wholesale supplier to various businesses. When Kuran had been tapped to head on-planet security for the new world, Rihep had been a shoe-in to take charge of Earth’s supply needs.
“I appreciate the fact he doesn’t feel the need to convert anyone. He kept his conversation with Governor Nichols brief and on the business of the planet.” Kuran didn’t miss Etnil’s smirk when he used Stacy’s title and last name.
“And the Imperial Clan?”
“They’re quite supportive, and she appreciates it, unlike her lieutenant governor. If Bryant greeted a single Kalquorian at the gathering, I didn’t see it.” Kuran dared to tell Etnil, “The empress asked the governor not to plant bombs under the cities. I thought the emperors would fall through the floor in horror.”
Etnil laughed, covering his mouth to avoid spraying the table with food. “What didStacysay?”
“She voiced appreciation for the joke and empathetic diplomacy for the emperors’ reactions. I can’t wait for you two to meet her.” He paused. “Let me rephrase. I can’t wait for Rihep to meet her. I might chain you to the wall, Etnil.”
“Will you be using the fluffy cuffs, the leather cuffs, or the scary metal ones?” The irrepressible Imdiko made kissing noises.