Page 10 of Unconditional Love
One email stood out in particular. It wasn’t long, but it made her heart skip a happy beat.
The schedule looks wonderful.
Thank you, Ms. Moore.
R. Seavey
His words meant a lot to her, especially after his brother’s cold response to her work. Of course, she knew that she couldn’t expect praise every time she did something, but she couldn’t help but feel that a little smile or some sign that she was doing well from Mr. Seavey would’ve been nice. She would even welcome criticism from him to help her improve. She wanted to be the best she could, and she needed to know how she was doing and how she could meet his expectations better.
Knowing that she would have to drive to the office in the morning, she went to bed early. She cuddled up to her pillows and started reading on her phone. Sleep overcame her before she could even finish a chapter. The words she read turned into her dreams, and before she knew it her alarm went off.
She quickly sat up and looked around. At first, she was confused. Then reality hit her again and she remembered the past few days. She wasn’t living a nightmare anymore but rather a wonderful reality. She quickly got up and jumped in the shower before braiding her hair.
Today she chose to wear gray pants, a white blouse with a matching blazer, and her black pumps. She quickly updated the daily schedules and added a few last details to the To-Do-Lists before sending them to everyone. With a printed copy in her hands, she walked to Mr. Seavey’s office.
He was sitting at his desk and only slightly looked up from his papers as she stepped in. His eyes quickly trailed over her, and she could have sworn to have seen approval for just a split second. With his usual distant expression his eyes met with hers.
“Ms. Moore.”
“I wanted to give you the schedule for today and upcoming events before I head to the office.”
He nodded and she handed over the papers.
“Is there anything else you need before I leave?”
“No, Ms. Moore.”
She nodded and quietly closed the door behind her. Even though she knew she was doing everything she could to fulfill her job to his liking, she couldn’t shake off the feeling she wasn’t doing everything right. His coldness was worse than any criticisms she’d ever gotten.
An hour and a half after leaving the Seavey property, she finally arrived at the office. She stepped off the elevator and walked into the office where Claudia was greeting her with a smile.
“Good morning Ms. Moore, would you like me to show you to your office?”
“Good morning, yes please.”
Claudia quickly came around the desk and led her down the hallway which ended where Mr. Seavey’s office was located. Claudia stopped by the last door to the right, the office closest to Mr. Seavey’s.
“If there is anything you need just let me know, Ms. Moore.”
“Thank you.”
Gwen spent the morning answering emails, phone calls, and even started on the schedule for the next week. Around 11 a.m. she saw Mr. Seavey walk past her office and enter his. Just a moment later an email from him popped up on her screen.
Ms. Moore, see me in my office.
She quickly got up and grabbed a pen and paper. Knocking gently, she opened the door to his office. He was sitting behind his desk, the sunlight letting his face glow.
“Ms. Moore, here is the list you asked me to review.”
She walked over to his desk and took the list he was holding out to her. “Thank you.” He’d added notes to each client and employee and even crossed out some of the names. “I assume the names you have crossed out have already been called?”
“Yes.” He made it seem as though her question was useless to him.
Nevertheless, she kept her smile, not wanting him to see how insecure his frigid nature made her. “Is there anything else I can do for you, Mr. Seavey?”
“We need a gardener for our property.”
“How often would you like someone to come?”