Page 12 of Unconditional Love
“Ms. Moore, my brothers will arrive this weekend.”
She turned back to him. “Yes, I’ll have everything prepared for them on Monday.”
After her meeting she returned home, not wanting to be stuck in the office until rush hour. As she parked the car, she noticed a new one in the driveway and assumed that the other Seavey brothers had arrived. She was curious and anxious to meet them. Three cold hearted bosses was something she preferred not to deal with. However, she would take whatever they threw at her and manage it–the money was far too good not to do so.
She dressed in something more comfortable and finished the rest of her work sitting on the floor. She was a visual person, who needed to see all the spreadsheets and lists in front of her to be able to work efficiently. It didn’t look pretty, but since she wasn’t expecting anyone to come in, she didn’t care much.
For lunch she decided to treat herself and went out. Not wanting to change into something more formal, she walked out in her leggings and t-shirt and rushed to the car. She hoped the brothers wouldn’t see her or mind, after all she wasn’t in the office, and this was now her home too. They couldn’t expect her to look fancy at all times.
The closest Chick-Fil-A was a little drive away but totally worth it in her eyes. She ordered herself nuggets, a shake, a sandwich, and a salad for the evening. She hadn’t gone out to eat in so long that this was like heaven. Back home, she set her work aside and made time to figure out her financial situation. She knew it was bad but over the past few months she’d lost track of it completely.
Just as she bit into her sandwich an email from Mr. Seavey popped up on the screen.
Ms. Moore, see me after your lunch.
She sighed, got up, and quickly changed into her work clothes.
Twenty minutes later she knocked on his door, and stepped inside. “You asked to see me, Mr. Seavey?”
He sat behind his desk staring at his laptop. He slowly lifted his head and let his eyes run down her outfit. She could’ve sworn she saw his eyes widen slightly, but before she could interpret it better it had disappeared.
“I was just looking over the notes you sent me regarding the last few meetings.”
She nodded, signaling him she knew what he was talking about.
“Are these numbers correct?” He handed her the notes so she could take a closer look.
It was the meeting about a property in the Rice Village area, somewhere close to the Bush property. The numbers sounded ridiculous for a launch party which was why she’d confirmed with everyone in the meeting twice if they were correct.
Anger flickered in his eyes as he took the papers back from her. His eyebrows slightly moved midway, his eyes darkened, and his lips thinned. It was the first actual reaction she’d gotten from him, the first she knew she hadn’t imagined.
“Schedule a meeting with them.”
“For this afternoon?”
He got up and walked around the desk. “I want them in my office in one hour.”
Without further explanation, he walked out.
Not wanting to anger him even more, she ran back to her apartment and called everyone. They seemed alarmed and even left client meetings to see him.
She returned to her lunch, only this time she didn’t change into something comfortable. While eating she looked over the depressing amount of bills that wanted to crush her. She started a spreadsheet, listing the total amount and the monthly payments she had agreed to. With her new income this was more than doable, but she had to catch up to the payments she’d missed and repay the rent she still owed.
Her heart stopped beating when another message popped up on her screen.
Office. Now.
Terrified, she jumped up with her notepad and phone in her hands and rushed to his office. Mr. Seavey was standing behind the desk, his face hardened in anger. She was in trouble, and her terror only intensified the pounding of her heart. She tried to breathe as calmly as possible and keep a straight face.
“Ms. Moore, I expect excellence from all my employees, even from you. Giving me wrong numbers is unacceptable. Mistakes are not tolerated.”
A tight grip on her notepad, she answered in a forcefully calm manner. “I didn’t make a mistake.”
He pointed at a paper on the desk. She hesitantly stepped forward and read it. It was a budget for the house in question, but it wasn’t the number she’d given him. It was a few thousand less than what she’d been told.
“You were wrong, Ms. Moore.”